First Dates, Anniversaries and a Crab Feed - Ashley & Emily
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First Dates, Anniversaries and a Crab Feed

Photography by Cici Studios

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Dress: Splendid (50% off!). Bag: Rebecca Minkoff.
Shoes: Blonde Salad (similar here and here). Hat: Target

When it comes to things like anniversaries, public displays of affection or declaring our love for one another via social media- Joe and I tend to keep it pretty low key. To be honest, I find it strangely offensive and annoying when people feel the need to post their significant other every MCM or WCW- I would NEVER. However, there are certain milestones that should be celebrated- or at least acknowledged.

Let me explain. Mine and Joe’s love story is very unconventional. It took us forever to actually get together- and when we did we went from 0-100 real quick. But that’s a story for another day- if you’re lucky.

So the other day, I was looking at my calendar and realized that the “anniversary” of our first date was coming up. I remember this because Joe decided to take me on a real date exactly a week before Valentine’s Day- trust me, I was confused too.

So I mentioned this nonchalantly to him the other night while he was eating his dinner. I expected for him to brush me off with a “yeah whatever babe” type of comment. But he surprised me and said “I bet I remember more about that night than you do.” He said this not because we got wasted on the date and forgot everything that happened ( I don’t think we actually drank at all)- but to prove to me it was an important night for him too.  Not to get all mushy but I was pleasantly surprised to hear that he remembered all of the little details from that night- from where we parked (in front of a huge mural in the Mission) and what we listened to on the drive there (Michael Jackson, duh). I remembered that it was pouring rain, and that he showed up to my house way before he was supposed to and had to sit with me while I did my makeup. While this day was a pretty big step for us, we didn’t exactly celebrate this “anniversary” in a traditional manner.

One of my best guy friends, Bobby, invited us and ten others- plus his entire family- to a crab feed at the prestigious Olympic Club. I had just purchased this Splendid dress at the Livermore Outlets and was thrilled to have a place to wear it. It was perfect for the occasion because it was comfortable and loose enough so I could eat unlimited crab without any anxiety.

We ate, we drank, we danced and we laughed. A LOT. While it was great being able to spend my “one year first date anniversary” all dressed up and out with my boyfriend- it was even more incredible to make new memories with so many people who are so important to me.

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