Skincare Archives - Page 6 of 6 - Ashley & Emily
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It’s our belief that you’re never too old to play with makeup (especially lip gloss)! We love trying new trends, brands, and techniques when it comes to getting dolled up.

My Microneedling Obsession – The GloPro

|| Shop The GloPRO || As many of you know, I have been obsessed with at home microneedling for quite some time. I insta-storied heavily about it around Christmastime 2017, and I got SO many questions about it that I figured I might as well dedicate a whole blog post to it....

Skin Saver: Olay Total Effects Whip

Thank you to Olay for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own. One of the best parts about being a blogger is getting the chance to work with brands you have been using for years, sometimes even decades. It honestly feels like a dream come true and being able to share products that I actually use and love with you guys....

My Promise To My Skin This Year – With Colleen Rothschild

Shop This Post:  I am a firm believer that there are two types of  people in this world – those who are good about washing their faces at night, and those who are not....
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