Dezzal - Ashley & Emily
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Jacket: c/o Dezzal

As you all know, we are huge overcoat fans for fall. What’s more, we’re also HUGE fringe fans as well. So what happens when two of our great loves collide? Well… naturally, we blog about it.

This jacket is amazing for so many reasons. First of all, it’s a really great weight for layering. Secondly, it has all of the most amazing fall colors included. Lastly, the fringe… I mean… let’s talk about the fringe. The second I took this coat out to shoot, my photographer, Kourtney, was like “OOOO…. that jacket is good… I love that jacket.” Now it’s not often that I get the stamp of approval from Kourtney, But when I do… I know I’m onto something.

Anyhow, the company the jacket is from is Dezzal. Ashley and I are both new to this company, but so far we like what we’ve experienced. Their team is wonderful, the shipping is relatively quick, and the quality of the clothing is really very good. What’s more, their designs aren’t what you’re seeing everywhere else… and that… we really like.

We hop you love this jacket and this company just as much as we do… be sure to let us know what you think! XooX




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