Emily's First Mother's Day Weekend - Ashley & Emily
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Emily’s First Mother’s Day Weekend

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Hi everyone! Let me start off by saying – I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day and that everyone is having a great week so far! I got a lot of questions about my dress from this past weekend so the link is above. It is such a good one…. so classic, and truly perfect for work or for play!  
The weekend definitely held a lot more meaning for me than ever before. My husband planned everything and my first Mother’s Day was absolutely incredible. Friday night we spent relaxing at home… it was just what we needed after a long week of work… and newborn care. Saturday morning we woke up, went on a family walk, and headed out to brunch with our friends Lauren and Cory… they found out they were having a baby boy, so there was soooo much to be celebrated! 
After brunch, we headed up to our house in Tahoe, went for a nice long walk to the beach, and had a relaxing evening of watching Pitch Perfect… just the four of us, Joe, Henry, William and I. We’ve had so much family and soooo many visitors around since William was born – don’t get me wrong, we have loved all of it – but it was nice to get back to basics and to have some time just for us.
Sunday morning we went for another long walk… it’s kind of our thing… and my mom met us up at the lake around nine. We went to brunch at the Hyatt and spent the morning drinking bottomless mimosas, eating great food, enjoying great company, and of course, fawning over William. Everyone in the restaurant were big fans of his little shoes… you can see them in the photos above. 
All in all it was the perfect weekend spent with the ones I love. My husband knows me well. He knows that family comes first, and I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

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