Healthier Together with Walmart - Ashley & Emily
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Healthier Together with Walmart

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart.

This post is sponsored by Walmart. All opinions are my own.

As you guys know from this post, I have been upping my health and protein game pretty seriously in 2018. After I published the post about my body fat and counting macros, I got a TON of questions about how I hit my protein goal for the day. My trick is: protein powders. Since I can’t eat dairy, I am extremely picky about the protein powders I use. Thanks to Walmart’s new Healthier Together initiative, they have a ton of plant-based proteins available!

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I make a protein shake every single day, no matter what. Ever since I read Kelly Leveque’s book, I have been addicted to the fab four smoothie. I have talked about it a ton on IG stories, and I swear by it! Walmart has everything you need to create the recipe! I always start with a protein base (my favorite is Vega, or Orgain), then I add a fat (peanut butter, almond butter, MCT oil, or coconut oil), always add a green (I love this superfood powder) and then a fiber of some kind (chia or flax are my favorites).

I either make this for breakfast or have it post-workout. I personally find it hard to hit my protein number every day with just food, and so this smoothie is a life saver! It keeps me healthy and my macros are always on point!

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Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her favorite plant-based protein shake recipe. In partnership with Healthier Together at Walmart.

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