How To Get Out Of The House Faster In The Morning - Ashley & Emily
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How To Get Out Of The House Faster In The Morning

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about how her Frye Backpack helps her get going in the morning.

|| Frye Backpack ||

This post is sponsored by Zappos, but all opinions are my own. 

We are all busy, busy people. I know this from talking to so many of you via social media. From all of your questions over the past week, it is clear that an overwhelming amount of you want to know how to make life easier, how to simplify things, and how to spend more time on the things that matter.

So for this post, I decided to start from the top. Here are my Top 5 Tips To Get Out Of The House Faster in the morning!

Plan your outfits ahead. This is the single most important piece to get out of the house faster. When you know what you are wearing the night before, everything else just seems to go much more smoothly. I try to lay out all my outfits for the week on Sunday night.

Make meals the day before – or better yet, meal prep for the week. We meal prep in our house on Mondays – a post on this is coming soon, I promise. It really helps us ensure that no matter how much of a rush we’re in, that we’re still eating something relatively healthy. This goes for my husband AND our kids. We make their lunches every night, and it is so nice to have one less thing to worry about in the morning.

Have a go bag. This is something I have started doing since I had kids – but I wish I would have started much earlier. This Frye backpack is my everyday “go bag”, and I absolutely love it. On days when I’m working, it has my pump, extra bottles, snacks and water in it. On the weekends, with my kids, it holds diapers, wipes, pacifiers and extra clothes. And when Joe and I are out venturing alone, it holds my makeup, a brush, and my hydroflask.

Have a landing place in your home for sunglasses, keys, wallet, etc.  These things always seem to be missing at the last minute. So whether you keep them in your go bag (like my Frye backpack) or in a designated bowl on the counter, just make it a habit of having them all in  one place.

Now more about this Frye backpack. I have to  because I love it SO much. As you all know I am backpack obsessed right now and this one is especially great. I love the fact that it is black and brown – so it goes with literally every outfit. And the fact that it is Nylon makes it perfect for the everyday. If you spill something on it, or set it down on the ground, you can easily brush it off. Worst case scenario – you can take a wet cloth to it – and boom – it’s good as new. It isn’t too large either – the last thing you want is to look like you’re headed to school. 🙂 All in all it is the perfect piece – and the perfect “go bag”. It makes my life 10x easier, and I know it will make yours easier too! I got mine via Zappos – they have the most amazing selection of Frye bags – and it was at my house in a day!

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about how her Frye Backpack helps her get going in the morning.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about how her Frye Backpack helps her get going in the morning.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about how her Frye Backpack helps her get going in the morning.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about how her Frye Backpack helps her get going in the morning.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about how her Frye Backpack helps her get going in the morning.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about how her Frye Backpack helps her get going in the morning.

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