My Kind Of Work-Out - Ashley & Emily
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My Kind Of Work-Out


My Kind Of Work-Out

Jacket & Pants: Lucy (c/o)

Many of you know that I don’t “work out”. I don’t go to work out classes, I don’t run in the morning, and you’ll never find me lifting weights at the gym.

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Could I work out? Sure. I could.

There have been times in my life where my whole day revolved around going to the gym. Right after I graduated college, I went through a pretty nasty breakup, and I pretty much lived at the gym. It was my escape. The year leading up to my wedding, I had to move to Las Vegas for work (without Joe) and I went to Pure Barre constantly. I loved Every. Single. Class. I’d never been in better shape in my life – and I even thought about opening a studio of my own when I finally did move home. <<< I still  think about this 🙂

But you know what? Life happens.

A house happens. A demanding job happens. A marriage happens. A one year old happens. And slowly, over the past couple of years, working out has taken a huge backseat in my life. Or maybe – I guess – it’s just taken a different form now. In 2009 I used to love heading to a gritty gym with my coworkers after work. It was a time to “check out” and it was cathartic after a stressful day. But now, “checking out” means running around the backyard with William, chasing him up and down the halls, or carrying him on my hip while I’m tidying the house. Now, “cathartic” means taking a walk with my husband and Henry (our golden retriever), and really getting to talk about our days. In that light, I DO work out 3-4 days a week. It’s just not in the traditional sense. I do hope, one day, to be back at the gym, or back at Pure Barre, but right now, this season of my life is about working out with my family.

No matter what season of life you’re in – there is no denying that the athleisure trend is in – and thankfully, Lucy has you covered. Their pants fit me better than any other brand, and I LOVE their tops and jackets as well. To get you started, I’ve picked out some of my favorite pieces below! Happy Shopping, Loves! XooX

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