My seat is leather... alright I'm lying... it's pleather - Ashley & Emily
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My seat is leather… alright I’m lying… it’s pleather

In case you didn’t know… a while back, some incredible marketing genius re-branded pleather.

Macklemore take note.

It is now known as “vegan leather” and that being said, I am a huge fan of “vegan leather” leggings right now. They’re sexy, they’re fun, and they’re a little bit rock & roll.

Don’t get me wrong… I understand… they can be kind of intimidating. You don’t want to look like a biker chick. You don’t want to look like Christina Aguilera circa the Dirty video. And you definitely don’t want to look like Ross in that one episode of Friends. If you don’t know what I mean… take 3 minutes out of your day for guaranteed laughter, and check it out here.

Anyhow, what I’m trying to say is that you want to look lovely and classic in vegan leather leggings.

The good news is: I’ve done the work for you and found the perfect pair. These BLANK NYC leggings are on the thicker side, which is so rare for leather leggings. <<< I love it. They’re actually pants – with a zipper and all, which ensures that you never have a “Ross moment”. They have a matte finish which makes them look incredibly expensive, but get this… they’re not even $100.

I’m wearing the Leather Skinny Pants in these photos, but BLANK has a couple of other options that I’ve been crushing on as well. Notably the Moto Pants… I am obsessed.

So get on the “vegan leather” train, and buy yourself a pair. You’ll be thanking me. I promise.


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