Pregnancy Update: Week 19 - Ashley & Emily
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Pregnancy Update: Week 19


Pregnancy Update: Week 19

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 19-week pregnancy update, Donna Morgan dress, beFree products

|| Dress: Donna Morgan (c/o) ||

Hi everyone.

This blog is wonderful, for so many reasons, but the primary reason is that it is a platform for us to share, ideas, products, and causes close to our hearts… on a more massive, world-wide scale. That being said, as many of you know, my dear friend (who I have mentioned multiple times on this blog – for her thoughtfulness, wonderful parenting advice, and amazing recipes) suffered the most horrible loss a parent can imagine this past weekend. If you don’t know what I am talking about, you can head to the site that has been set up to help her family >>>> here. Anything you can give will help, and no amount is too small.

Thank you, as always, for supporting us, and for supporting everything we share with you. It means the world.

Pregnancy Update: Week 19 

It has been a while since I have done a pregnancy update –  and honestly, not much has changed… other than my belly. As you can see from these photos, it is safe to say that “I HAVE POPPED! 

How many weeks: 19

Our baby is the size of: An heirloom tomato

What I’m Wearing: Tunic dresses, long shirts, scarves, boots/booties… I am so excited it is almost fall! PS: Everything linked below is non-maternity… really the only maternity clothes I am into right now are my maternity jeans…. everything else, I’m just sizing up for length.

Also…. This was in my last post, but I have to repeat it… this long jacket, below, is only $35 (such a steal), but it looks SO elegant – not to mention expensive – and I wear mine all the time.  I have it in almost EVERY color – I love the length, and I love that it is light enough to layer over sweaters – but heavy enough to keep you warm.

Gender: We have our 20 week scan on Thursday – so we will finally be able to tell you, for sure, next week!

Pounds Gained: 15-18 depending on how much water I’ve had that day. Who knew your weight could fluctuate SO much in a day. It’s nuts! I know I touched on this in  my last pregnancy update – but my boobs seem to have taken on a life of their own this pregnancy. I literally feel like they’re 5 pounds each. As much as my husband is thrilled… I am not. I often go bra-less… so I don’t really know what to do with these things. If any of you larger chested ladies have any good bra recommendations, please let me know – I am in the market for some new ones. Also – I am on a hunt for the perfect strapless bra. I promise I’ll share my finds!

Sickness: I’m feeling good for the most part. Knock on wood!

Things I forgot: 

  • The heartburn. I carry tums everywhere I go – it is insane right now!
  • I forgot how much I love my maternity jeans. I have fully moved into them now, and I am embracing every wear. Also – last pregnancy, I never wore the full panel jeans, and my girlfriend, Emily, told me I didn’t know what I was missing. She was so right and I am fully embracing the belly band this time around!
  • I forgot how itchy you get. All that skin stretching makes you itchy – so I am starting with the nipples to knees belly balm method – ASAP.
  • I forgot how quickly nothing seems to fit. I had to wear a dress as a shirt this past weekend. I couldn’t help but laugh. This pregnancy is almost halfway over already – it all just goes by SO quickly.
  • I forgot how important it is to be a wife. I’ve been so consumed with making sure that William and this baby are ok, that I forgot how important it is to make sure my husband has what he needs too. Working on this. 🙂

Cravings: Chocolate, Licorice, Gardettos mix, Toast, anything coffee flavored, Zoodles, my mom’s matzah ball soup, comfort food.

Aversions: Nothing. Still. Nothing. Unfortunately 🙂

Favorite products: White velvet hangers. <<< These are a life hack I took from my girlfriend, Emily. We both use the black velvet hangers in our closets – so she shared this organization trick with me >>> just get different colored hangers for your maternity items. It’s genius! I’ll never be searching for my maternity jeans ever again! Also I’m obsessed with my spiralizer – seriously this is the only way we can get William to eat veggies – and my husband is loving the healthy dinners too! My girlfriend, Angie, put an amazing Zoodle recipe on her blog last week >>> here – and I’ve been inspired ever since!

On the body front…beFree lotion. (PS… this is not sponsored… I just love this stuff). My skin is SO sensitive this pregnancy, so this is now my tried and true moisturizer (along with coconut oil after the shower). beFree’s products are all natural, they soothe my eczema prone skin, and I know what I’m using. I can read and understand all of the ingredients, and that, to me, is a win.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 19-week pregnancy update, Donna Morgan dress, beFree products

|| Shop beFree products >>> here  ||

Any changes:  My belly button is starting to pop out. I constantly find myself trying to push it back in… it’s not working. GAH!!!

Sleeping: Sleeping is going well – but I still need to dig my pregnancy pillow out of our storage unit!

Rings: Still on!!!

Feelings: My dear friend, Vaungaylyn, that I spoke about in the beginning of this post, penned something on her Facebook that has been on my heart ever since I read it.

“Hug each other tonight.
Hug your sweet babies.
Use the China, wear the clothes, take the picture, do the thing. Life is short.”

That is what I’ve been feeling… “Do the thing. Life is short.”

Again, you can donate to help my sweet friend and her family >>> here. Thank you.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 19-week pregnancy update, Donna Morgan dress, beFree products

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