31 Things You May Not Know About Me - Ashley & Emily
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31 Things You May Not Know About Me

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday.

Hi guys! Today is my 31st birthday! Thanks for all the sweet wishes so far. You guys are the best! I thought it would be fun to share 31 things you might not know about me. I wanted to do it last year but never got around to it.

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  1. I’m adopted! This is such a big part of my life that so many people don’t know! My parents and sister are the most amazing people in the whole world, and I have no idea how I got so lucky to get them as my family, but I feel blessed because of it every single day. 
  2. I sleep with a stuffed animal every night. I finally introduced Holly on IG stories, and it felt like a weight was lifted off my chest, lol. 
  3. I hate champagne. Don’t kill me, please. 
  4. I have two masters degrees! One in English Literature and the other in Education. 
  5. I believe in aliens #teamtallgray
  6. I don’t listen to music in my car — podcasts only. People think this is so weird! My favorites are: The Bitch Bible, Bitch Sesh, Lady Gang, Straight Up With Stassi, Juicy Scoop, Almost 30, and Skinny Confidential. 
  7. I say goodnight to my mom every single night. 
  8. My first word was Macy’s (we have no Nordstrom where I grew up) — talk about an omen. 
  9. My favorite character in all of literature is Ophelia.
  10. I can’t wear heels for more than an hour without DYING. My nickname is barefoot bridesmaid. 
  11. I’m a Republican and sick of feeling like I have to keep that a secret. I always feel that admitting this is something I should be ashamed about but I’m not. I always just get such a jerk reaction and am always on defense about my beliefs and ideals. 
  12. I have a sick obsession with Colombos garlic bread, and sometimes I send DM’s to a garlic bread meme account on Facebook. I’m so weird!
  13. I wish Boomerang was never invented — it’s the worst!
  14. My favorite meal on earth is my dad’s marinated hot dogs.
  15. This one is very unpopular, but here goes: I hate animals. I’ve been allergic my whole life so I could never pet a puppy or a kitten. I’ve just never been into them. My sister is the exact opposite, and she is finishing up her final year of vet school.
  16. I chose my college solely to be closer to the 49ers — Santa Clara University was amazing and I would start it all over again tomorrow.
  17. I am obsessed with makeup, but really only wear it if I’m shooting or have a special event. I had horrible acne (to the point where I had to go on Accutane) when I was younger so I like to keep my skin clean and bare.
  18. For being someone who is very active, I’m also very very lazy. I’m such a homebody and just love to be in my own space. My perfect weekend consists of working out and just hanging at home. Some days I’m happy to not leave the house at all. I used to love going out, but now the idea of being out of my bed at 10pm gives me serious anxiety.
  19. I only actually lived in San Francisco for one year. I have always lived in a suburb near the city: San Mateo, San Bruno, Pacifica and now Daly City.
  20. I saw the original Fast and Furious movie seven times in the theater – I love Vin Diesel.
  21. People always think my favorite book is The Great Gatsby, but it’s really The Awakening by Kate Chopin — no one ever knows what it is so I give the obvious answer.
  22. I don’t like going to movies unless I REALLY want to see the movie. It’s really hard for me to dedicate two precious hours to something I’m not really into. Plus, I’m really bad at putting my phone down for that long (horrible, I know).
  23. I wear these pants 5 or more times a week. They’re not called the live-in legging for nothing!
  24. One Tree Hill is my favorite show and I can watch it over and over and over again. Friends and Friday Night Lights come in a close second.
  25. Empire Records is my favorite movie of all time.
  26. Stevie Nicks is my spirit animal — you probably already knew this one.
  27. While Positano was the most beautiful place I’ve ever been, Kona is a close second. I’m so lucky that my family has a house on the island and I get to visit often. Our next trip there is in February.
  28. Joe and I moved in together after only being a couple for six weeks! We knew each other for a year, so it’s not that crazy. But it was definitely fast! The first year was so hard, but we grew so much together in the process.
  29. This is my favorite poem.
  30. My pet peeve is those wooden spoon things that come with those ice cream sundae cups. And popsicle sticks — I just absolutely freak out when they hit my teeth.
  31. I’m running my first half marathon on October 15th! Training officially starts this week. I’m so excited to share this journey with you guys!

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares 31 Things You May Not Know About Me on her 31st birthday.

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