Ashley's Resolutions for 2016 - Ashley & Emily
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Ashley’s Resolutions for 2016


Ashley’s Resolutions for 2016

Every year I make ridiculous resolutions that I don’t ever keep. For instance: no blacking out, no smoking while I’m sober. Thankfully, I kicked both of those habits and have kinda sorta started to get my life together. This year I wanted to be realistic and make resolutions I could actually keep. Instead of limiting myself or saying “never do this” or “I can’t ever have that,” I want to make resolutions that make me do more of something.

1) read more
Ever since I started the blog, my reading has gone to shit. My spare time is now full of planning outfits, shopping online, taking photos, editing photos, checking email, writing posts, keeping up with social media, etc. Every year I say I will read 100 books, I’ve never actually done it. I’m not giving myself a number this year. I just want to read more than I did in 2015, which wasn’t a lot. Right now I’m reading the books that go along with the Whole 30 program (Whole 30 & It Starts With Food) which leads me to my next resolution…

2) eat better
If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you know that last year I got on a pretty serious workout routine at Barry’s Bootcamp. Well, I just bought another 50 pack of classes and plan to make 2016 my best year ever. One of the best part about Barry’s is the sense of community in the studio, and all the friends I have made from going there. One of them convinced me to do the Whole 30 Challenge for the entire month of January. I’ve also convinced some of my friends to join- so I think it will be a really fun way to just eat better and reset our bodies from a lot of holiday indulging. I will keep you guys posted along the way!

3) go to more concerts
That might seem like a really lame resolution but last year I really sucked at going to concerts. I used to go to them all. There was one summer when I went to like 10. I think last year I went to two: Fleetwood Mac & The Weeknd. I already have tickets for Adele & G-Eazy so I’m off to a good start- but I really want to take full advantage of all the amazing shows that come to my area.

4) be more spontaneous
If you know me, I am a control freak. I need to know how I’m getting somewhere, where I’m parking, what time I’m leaving, who will be there, what everyone is wearing etc. The most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done was fly to London for the weekend to watch the Niners- but that was still planned out like 3 months in advance. Even going out to eat is never just like a random thing. I want to try being more go with flow and being open to new things.

5) floss more
This one is self explanatory. And only because I’m lazy. It has to stop.

The sweatshirt I’m wearing is only available at the Barry’s Studios but shop my favorite Private Party pieces below!

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