Ashley and Joe's Engagement Photos - Ashley & Emily
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Ashley and Joe’s Engagement Photos

I am so excited to share our engagement photos with you guys! Finally. We are EXACTLY six months away from the big day — holy shit! I finally found one of my looks for the wedding festivities while I was in New York this past week. More on that later! I promise to start sharing more wedding stuff here on the blog. Next week I will be sharing my save the dates! Yay!

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It was really really hard to find a location for our engagement photos. The downside of living in San Francisco is that all the iconic spots for photos are really overdone, and dare I say, a little corny. Even spots that are super special to us like Fort Point, Ocean Beach etc.

If you have been around for a while, you know that the beach has always been super important to us. When we first got together, we moved to Pacifica — a tiny coastal town outside of San Francisco. The past five years, our weekends away are almost always spent in Monterey, Carmel or Santa Cruz. Our road trips are often to Half Moon Bay — we just really enjoy being by the water. Joe loves to fish, and for me, it helps calm down my anxiety and I find it to be super grounding.

Luckily, my photographer, Shannon – who knows us very well — knew just the spot! Bean Hollow Beach, it’s just a little south of Pescadero and was gorgeous.  Engagement photos can be awkward, not going to lie. I am very lucky that Joe has had a few practice rounds with me, and that we are both super comfortable around Shan. It allowed us to really be ourselves and just have fun.

I think it’s really hard to capture “love” in a photo – but Shannon nailed it. This is how we are every day, carefree, always laughing, and NEVER taking ourselves too seriously.

I’m going to do a separate post on the dress — because, well, it deserves it.

Can’t wait to marry you, Joe Hurd!

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