First Trimester Fitness - Ashley & Emily
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First Trimester Fitness

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First Trimester Fitness

San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area.

When I put up that little questions box on stories after announcing my pregnancy, one of my most asked questions was about my workout routine. If I was still taking Barry’s. What I was doing for workouts. Etc. So I am going over all things first-trimester fitness today. Please keep in mind that this is what was approved for me by my doctor, so if you have any questions, I would be sure to check with yours before starting any kind of workout routine while pregnant!

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First Trimester Fitness

This was legitimately the first question I asked my doctor over the phone (because they usually won’t see you until 8 weeks). She said I could do anything except for scuba dive or contact sports. Okay then! I was a little nervous because I read so many conflicting things online about working 0ut while you were pregnant – some people say no running and no core work – some people say it’s fine. I just go with what feels good for me.

Because I wasn’t eating the way I wanted to be — hello, carbs, it was especially important for me to keep up with my fitness routine. Not to mention I am growing a human and my health automatically became the most important thing in my life. Even when my energy was super low, I still found a way to make it to the gym. Even if it was the only thing I could do that day, getting there and getting it done was the most important thing to me.

My first trimester fitness routine has consisted of just Barry’s at the moment and a few short walks here and there. I am still going four days a week. I don’t double floor anymore because the cardio feels SOOOO good. I can’t go for long walks outside anymore because I have to pee way too much – which sucks, so I will take any cardio I can get.

I am so grateful to my Barry’s Bootcamp trainers and leadership for always supporting not only me but every single one of their clients. They will always take a minute to make a modification for exercises I shouldn’t be doing. Before I even announced, they would stop and do this for all expecting mamas – so I could listen and do the same.

Modifications I’ve Made:

  • No Twisting
  • Plank on Knees
  • No Weighted Core Work – During abs I will either do triceps, chest press or seated biceps curls.
  • No Jumping – will do a squat or lunge instead
  • Walking uphill instead of running – mostly because it hurts my boobs and makes me have to pee!

I was 12 weeks pregnant at the time of these photos and SOOO nervous someone would know because of how tight the top was – haha. It was the same day as the 90 minute class, which is one of my favorite pregnancy milestones to date! Check out some of my other Barry’s posts here and here.


San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area. San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area. San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area. San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area. San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area. San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area. San Francisco blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester fitness routine with Barry's Bootcamp Bay Area.

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