Hello World! - Ashley & Emily
About us

Hello World!


Hello World!

We are Ashley and Emily – and we are two, real life, best friends. 
Emily & Ashley
We live in two very different cities, lead two very different lives, and when it comes to fashion, we have two totally different styles. 

Despite all these differences, our mutual love of everything having to do with fashion, beauty and fun – has kept us together for many years.

Where we came from:
We have been best friends since the beginning of high school. We immediately bonded over a shared love of Lip Venom and and accessorizing an all too boring private school uniform.
Fast forward four years – we went onto college together and our fashion styles evolved. Emily went more toward her classic East Coast roots with polos, Pulitzer and pearls – and Ashley went with a more edgy style, never afraid of anything leather or leopard. 
However, two things always remained constant: our friendship and our mutual love of fabulous style.

Where we are now:

Since our love of fashion and beauty brought us together, we wanted to create a place to share the things we love with other women — and in doing so, we hope to create a space where women share the things they love with us as well.
If a simple lip gloss helped form a friendship that has lasted a lifetime, who knows what a blog about -everything – could eventually create?
We are so excited to share our lives, photos, ideas and inspiration with you, and we hope you do the same.

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