How our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement - Ashley & Emily
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How our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement

San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on!

We are officially ten weeks away from our wedding date. I swore I would never be that “wedding countdown” girl, but everything seems to be coming so fast! We got engaged over a year ago, and I thought it would be fun to share how our relationship changed since we got engaged. With Valentine’s Day being tomorrow, and me having just been away from Joe for a whole week is making me very sappy, lol.  P.S. my dress just got marked down 30% off and it’s only $41!

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How our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement

We have been together for five years, and living together for four, so the changes weren’t drastic. But I did want to share some little things I’ve noticed. I feel like so many people portray that their relationship is always perfect. I try my best to remember that what I see on social media is just literally one second of someone’s day.

We Fight Better

I am the first person to admit that no relationship is perfect. But for me, this is the biggest change I’ve noticed since being engaged. Joe is stubborn and I am the queen of being dramatic — this used to mean long and drawn out fights. Now it’s just like, not even worth the time or energy. We have both swallowed our pride and given up being “right.” We are in it for life so now we almost just say sorry immediately and laugh about it. No one’s got time to send 1,000 sassy texts in an hour (not that I know from experience).

We are a Team

This sounds so stupid. But I am very selfish; at least I can admit it, right? We are both working on adjusting to being a “we” instead of “I.” Joe is much better about this than me — but we have made strides in working on this since we have been engaged.

We are Each Other’s Biggest Fans

This one sounds silly — but it’s very true. My job can be very annoying, and I know that. We can’t go anywhere without taking a photo, can’t have date night without my phones, every single vacation turns into a quest for content creation. I get that must be really annoying. For those of you that don’t know what Joe does, he is a contractor who recently just started his own company! We are both really trying to succeed in our careers and I think it finally set in that we are both working hard for OUR future together. Joe works 7 days a week, and the time he is home is usually my busiest work time (stories and IG engagement is highest at night – right when he gets home from the gym). Now we are at a place where we both just get it – I am trying to be less needy. Ask him how I’m doing, haha. Now instead of complaining that he has to work on a Sunday, I congratulate him for getting another job. And vice versa. This little shift has made a huge difference!

I am currently writing this from my gate at JFK, I have been away from Joe for a whole week and I am just praying we make it home tonight! Send all the good vibes. xx


Check out all of my other Wedding posts here.

Photos: Aloha Zoe Photography

Tan: Luminous Tans

San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on! San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on!

San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares "How Our Relationship Changed Post-Engagement." The ten-week wedding countdown is on!

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