How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes - Ashley & Emily
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How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes


How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Reno fashion and beauty blogger, Ashley Zeal, from Two Peas in Prada shares How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes. She is sharing her exact steps!

This post has been a long time coming, and a DM from one of you guys actually prompted me to get my ass in gear to get it up for you! You all know I am a freak about my skin — like if I wake up with makeup on, it’s gotta be an emergency situation. I can only count on one hand the number of times I’ve done that in the past decade. I refuse to use makeup wipes, unless, again, it’s an emergency situation. So with all of this also comes with taking care of everything that touches your skin. Today I am going to share how to clean your makeup brushes! I’ll be sharing a step by step guide on how I do it, why I do it, how often you should be doing it, and all the products you need!

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How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Whenever someone comes to us with a skin issue, my first questions are ALWAYS: are you eating dairy, and how often are you cleaning your makeup brushes. Their answers are usually exactly what I think they’re going to be. Yes, and not often. I know someone who hasn’t cleaned their makeup brushes — EVER. I cannot. If I am wearing makeup a lot, I will wash them once a week. Since I truly don’t wear makeup a ton, I will do it every other or even once a month depending on how many days I used them. For example, I haven’t worn makeup in the past ten days, but I haven’t washed them since I moved so I decided to do it tonight! If I notice my skin freaking out, that’s also usually a good reminder to give them a good deep clean.

I have been using Sigma products to clean my brushes since I can remember. The mitt completely changed the game, and now I actually prefer the sink mat – but I love them both, it’s totally your preference! I love their brush cleaner because you don’t need to put it in a bowl or cup first – I used to use the MAC one, which I LOVED, but you would have to pour some into a little bowl and submerge your brushes in that, whereas the Sigma one, you can just pump directly onto the brush. Head to my stories to see what I mean!

So here’s what I do step by step:

  1. Get out an old towel you don’t care about, and all your dirty brushes. Stick your mat in your sink and get out your brush cleaner.
  2. I turn my water warm and on low. I always start with my face brushes. Don’t ask me why but it’s the most satisfying to me!
  3. Apply cleanser onto whatever brush you are cleaning — for a face brush I will do 2-3 but for eyes, you only need one. Get it a little wet under the water and then swirl it around on the mat. You will see everything coming off your brush. It’s the most cathartic thing. Foundation brushes usually will need more than one go- so just add on more cleanser and repeat until you can see all of the product off the brush!
  4. I then brush it on the towel to remove any water – this will help it dry faster.
  5. Repeat until all your brushes are clean.
  6. I then clean all my beauty blenders, you can use this Sigma scrubber or you can use the actual Beauty Blender soap — it’s pretty much the same process as above but you don’t need to use the mat for this!
  7. Allow to dry overnight, and they’ll be good to go by morning! Bonus points if you do this with a facemask on – multitasking at its finest!

So there are all the steps on how to clean your makeup brushes! So easy, right?

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