Love Yourself: My Lazy Sunday in Bed - Ashley & Emily
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Love Yourself: My Lazy Sunday in Bed

love yourself

Today I’m talking about how important it is to love yourself, to make time for yourself, and to take care of yourself. Joe and I were scheduled to have a special all-day date planned yesterday. I was looking forward to it all week — we have barely got to spend any time together recently, and since I’ll be traveling the majority of February it was really important that we spent some quality time together.  We were going to take a day trip somewhere up North, have lunch, drive up the coast. It was going to be great! But then Sunday morning rolled around, and I all I really wanted to do was stay in bed. So, a day for us, suddenly turned into a day for me — but thank goodness he was okay with that. 

Love Yourself:

We woke up on Sunday, and I was just so comfortable and cozy, I did not want to get up. So Joe made me a delicious Whole30 breakfast, which we ate in bed. We were still talking about going on our little road trip — but I looked at him and said, “Can we just stay here?” Since we got our new it™ bed by Sleep Number, I have been wanting to take an entire day to just lay and enjoy it So, Joe obliged and we just had a lazy day catching up on shows, watching the news, and flipping through my new book. And then I took naps — lots of them.  He also got me a massage via the Zeel app (not sponsored, if you want to try it use my code “hch6” for $25 off!). It was seriously the best day ever!

I have a track record for being really bad about self care. I don’t have an off switch, and I never slow down. Thanks to my new it™ bed by Sleep Number, I have really learned to enjoy  just relaxing and taking time for myself.

Especially since I will be traveling so much this month, it was so nice to spend an entire day taking it easy and recharging — I definitely needed it! Like my girl, Carrie Bradshaw said, it’s so important to take time to love yourself and care for yourself! Luckily for me, Joe was willing to spend all day with me — so it was a win win. We got to spend the whole day together, and I got the chance to seriously decompress.

“The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you that you love, well, that’s just fabulous.” – Carrie Bradshaw

Especially with Valentine’s day coming up, don’t forget to be selfish and take a little “me time.” You won’t regret it! So put on your favorite pajamas (mine are Natori), grab an amazing book, and your cutest mug for a cup of tea or coffee. Do whatever you need to do just carve out a little time for yourself — I know I cheated and included my boyfriend in my me time, but he was more than happy to oblige.

*** Thank you to the it™ bed by Sleep Number for sponsoring this post, but all opinions expressed here are my own.

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