Meeting Baby William - Ashley & Emily
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Meeting Baby William


Meeting Baby William

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Watch: Michael Kors.

Over Memorial Day, I finally had the chance to meet precious baby William. Driving over to Emily’s I was SO excited. We had Facetimed before, but that is definitely not the same. When I first saw him it took everything in me to not start sobbing. If we didn’t have plans to shoot all day, and my makeup wasn’t already on, I would have lost it. He was the most perfect little angel I have ever seen. The instant love I felt for him was so crazy- I can’t even imagine what will happen when I have one of my own. We got done about 40% of what we had planned to do because I simply could not put that child down. He slept in my arms for most of the day and it broke my heart to have to leave him.

I am the type of person to always worry about my friends. Are they doing ok? Are they making the right decision? Is he good enough for her? While I know that none of this is my business, I can’t help it. I just want everyone around me to be happy. When I found out Emily was pregnant, I knew that this was 100% the best news ever. I wasn’t worried for one second. Emily is meant to be a mom. I know this because she has spent years taking care of me. I can’t tell you how many times she has stayed late at girls nights to help do my dishes, brought me prime rib chili when I was sick, brought me Gatorade when I was hungover and nursed many of my broken hearts. William is so lucky to have her for a Mom. I found out she was expecting when I was in Reno visiting for my birthday- that news was such an amazing birthday gift. And here we are now and little William is already six weeks old. Without a doubt that little baby is the light of my life and I am so blessed to be his Auntie Ashley. 

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