My Top 5 Tips for Working from Home - Ashley & Emily
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My Top 5 Tips for Working from Home

I briefly touched on my struggles with working from home in this post. Since then, I have had two full weeks to adapt to this working from home life. While two weeks may not seem like a long time, I have finally gotten into a good groove when it comes to working from home. Today, I will be sharing my top five tips on how to stay productive while working from home.

  1. Stay Organized. I have so many different email addresses and calendars that I use, it makes it really hard to keep track of everything. I have been trying to do a good job of writing everything down in a planner. It has seemed to help so far and I hope to keep up this good habit. Having a cute planner definitely helps — this one is on sale for.
  2. Stay Hydrated. I learned the hard way, do not use cups around your computer. I always try to keep my water or tea in a tumbler or mug with a lid, just in case it spills. This adorable one is on sale for only $12. I love the positive message too! I am also a notorious hoarder of these water bottles — I swear I have 10 or more!
  3. Keep your house clean. Whenever there is clutter in my house, I can not focus on work. I am notorious for putting off chores like doing the dishes or folding laundry. But since I have started working from home, I can not stand when anything is out of place.
  4. Make a designated work place. Working on your laptop from bed may sound like the ideal day, but it’s really the opposite. Joe bought me my desk top for Christmas when it was pretty much decided I was going to quit my job in May. Having my little “office” area has really helped me. Not only does it force me to stop working when I’m exhausted (we have a no work from bed rule that I’m not very good at following) but it keeps my energy up and more focused on the task at hand. I can’t see a TV from where my desk is, and I love that that isn’t an option.
  5. Decorate it in a way that you love. I like to have a few cute things around my desk. I always keep one of these candles nearby. Since I decided to opt for the cute chair, instead of comfortable I always have to have a pillow and blanket so I can sit for long periods of time. I love this fluffy one which is currently $25 off. 

All of the items below are currently on sale. Click on any of the images to be taken directly to the website to shop! If I missed any tips on working from home please share in the comments below!

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