No Sleep - No Worries - Ashley & Emily
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No Sleep – No Worries


No Sleep – No Worries

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about life with a new baby

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Lately – as I am sure you all can imagine – I have been getting very little sleep. Let me tell you – there is a reason they use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. It’s enough to drive anyone insane.

When William was born, we started bottle feeding him (breastmilk) when he was two days old. I had an awesome milk supply, but he was a crappy breastfeeder. So my lactation consultant gave me the green light. Even though you’re “supposed”  to wait weeks before introducing a bottle, the benefits were that Joe could take half of the night feedings, he and William could get their bonding time, and in turn, I could get some much needed sleep.

This time, with David, we decided to try things a bit differently. As I said before… they say <<<<(uggghh those people) that you’re supposed to breastfeed exclusively until 6-8 weeks, and I really wanted to try and hit that mark. Well… David is almost three weeks old, and I have been exclusively breastfeeding him – almost every hour, on the hour… since the day he was born. ALL THE KID DOES IS EAT. I know, I know… this is what maternity leave is for…. yadda… yadda… yadda… but the lack of sleep has been really, really hard. And it has been making me feel — oh what is the nice way to put this??— a little unhinged. So… after much discussion, my husband and I decided that a bottle-fed-baby with a sane mother was much better than a breastfed baby with a not-so-sane mother. So we decided we’d start introducing the bottle ASAP. My mother-in law started him on the bottle yesterday afternoon, and hopefully I’ll feel a little bit more human here in no-time.

Since I’ve been functioning on such little sleep, I’ve been depending on a couple of nicely pulled together, easy outfits to get me through — for those moments when I actually have to leave the house. The outfit you see in this post is one of them. I love that the vest, the purse, and the shoes all match – making it look like I put some thought into what I’m wearing. I remember my mom telling me as a little girl, “Your belt, your purse and your shoes should always match.” While that school of thought is long gone – fashion really has no rules anymore – when you’re looking for a “pulled together look” sometimes a little matchy-matchy, “belt, shoes, purse” monochrome is the way to go.

PS: for those wondering — I am still in my maternity jeans. I’ve gotten lots of questions about how I’m dropping the baby weight so fast and really… I’m not. Other than breastfeeding, I have done absolutely nothing. Full disclosure – I am about 20 pounds heavier than when I got pregnant with David. So the weight hasn’t magically melted off… I just dress to hide it. And – yes – I am trying to lose it… it’s just slow and steady wins the race over here. It takes 9 months to put it on… It’s going to take more than three weeks to get it off. <<<Just my two cents.

Happy shopping, Loves! XooX

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about life with a new baby

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about life with a new baby
Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada talks about life with a new baby

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