Pregnancy Update: Week 21 - Ashley & Emily
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Pregnancy Update: Week 21


Pregnancy Update: Week 21

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 21 week pregnancy update

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Happy Wednesday everyone!

As an update… I’m trying to get these pregnancy posts together every two weeks now. I feel like this way, enough will have changed, and the information will be more interesting for you guys. Plus – I’m adding an embarrassing stories section now – so these two week increments will give me enough time to collect those embarrassing gems. 🙂 This week’s is good… trust me…

Pregnancy Update: Week 21 

How many weeks: 21

Our baby is the size of: A small cantaloupe – doesn’t that seem huge to you?!? When I read that I was like… “They – as in the “pregnancy fruit people” – must be wrong,” but no… after much research, my baby is indeed the size of a small cantaloupe. Which I guess, judging by the size of my belly, would be accurate.

Gender: It’s a boy!!! If you missed our gender reveal… head here.

Pounds Gained: 18.

Embarrassing story #1 of this post… I actually put off writing this post because I didn’t want to get on the scale. And it’s not because my pants don’t fit… or because I feel like I look bigger than usual… it’s just because I’ve just been eating whatever the hell I feel like. And we all know how that goes…

Anyhow… this morning… (after eating a brick of cheese last night for dinner) I woke up and said… “Eff it. My readers need to know the truth.” When the numbers lit up blue – I – I had gained no additional weight. I don’t get it. I have no explanation. Pregnancy is SO weird.

That being said, in exactly 13 days I am starting to work out. So this whole weight gain metric is going to change. (IE: I expect to gain some muscle and some additional weight). You might remember from this post, here, I told you all how much I LOVE Pure Barre,  but I was so sad that we didn’t have one in my town. Well, it was as if God heard me, because the next month I was contacted and told that indeed, Pure Barre Reno would be opening.


I am making a personal goal of heading to class at least 3 days a week, so if you live in my area and want to go to some classes with me – let me know! I love accountability buddies – lord knows I need the help and the motivation.

What I’m Wearing: So as you know, I have been LIVING in my pregnancy jeans. I am not one of those girls whose thighs stay the same size during pregnancy and can get by with just a rubber band on my jeans. Who are those people?!? Anyhow, a couple of my favorite maternity jeans are below.

I’ve also been living in longer length tees and tops. These are the best I’ve found. (None are maternity – I’m just sizing up)

If you follow me on Snapchat, you know that this outfit has been on repeat. I LIVE in this cardigan – I have it in the size L and I love the extra length.

OTK boots and slides. To me, there’s nothing more leg-slimming than OTK boots paired with a dress. So, I have been wearing lots of those… and for daily comfort these slides are my “go to’s”.

Oh and… I’ll say it again… this coat… it’s $35 people… it’s amazing.

Sickness: For the most part, I have been feeling well, but the exhaustion has been real lately.

Things I forgot: 

  • I forgot how much you sweat – I literally have to LATHER on deodorant in the morning and even so – it still doesn’t seem to work.
  • I forgot about how hot you are – always. I am usually freezing cold. As in – I keep a heating pad under my desk at work – freezing cold. But for whatever reason – baking a human – I can’t seem to cool down now. I think I run ten degrees warmer when I am pregnant.
  • I forgot how nuts you can be when you are craving something – I literally Amazon Prime everything I am craving the second I think of it. It is bad.
  • I forgot about how amazing leggings are – my nail lady and her daughter sell Lula Roe – omfg – enough said. If you need some – let me know… I’ll give you their info.
  • I forgot that being pregnant in the fall and winter is literally THE BEST. I don’t know how people are pregnant in the summer. Long sweaters, leggings, jeans, coats and boots are MY JAM!
  • I forgot how much you forget. Pregnancy brain is REALLLLLL. I went to dinner with my best grilfriend last night and I literally had to stop to grab her hand multiple times and say “I have no idea what I was about to say.” << WHAT IS THAT?

Cravings: Oh good lord – this section is getting out of control… but I mean… everything. Oh and… Amazon Prime is the devil. I mean I love it… but I hate it. Whenever I have a craving I just Prime it… and one day later…. it’s at my doorstep. This licorice below is DANGEROUS. FYI. My nail lady got my hooked on these mangoes, and Ashley introduced me to these RX bars. They are all amazing. The dried coconut is good to keep in my purse when I want something satisfying.

Aversions: Nothing…. still nothing. :/ oops.

Favorite products: Ok so some of these are weird… but life doesn’t always make sense. I started using the oil below and I love it… the Japanese style box is this face mask my sister found on her trip to Japan and for $12 for 30 sheets you can’t beat them, and lastly, I have been hating pajama pants – so this sleep shirt is a godsend. So here you go… all my favorite of the moment products.

Any changes: I think my feet are growing. Sniff. I never experienced this with my first pregnancy, so I’m kind of freaking out. I know it’s normal. I’m just hoping they go back to the size they once were. If not…. we’ll have a shoe sale on the blog. 🙁

Sleeping: Sleeping has been fine, but my dreams have been out of control – like so vivid and life-like. Does this happen to anyone else?

Rings: Still on and going strong!

Feelings: I’ve been less emotional lately, which for me, is a welcome change. But… I have been feeling very loving. Looking at William and my little family lately has made me so incredibly thankful… and I often feel my heart swelling with joy just being at home – watching my family. Totally sappy…. but totally true.

Embarrassing Stories: Ok, so every night around 7pm, William and I lay down (in Joe and my bed) and we just snuggle and talk while he has his bottle.

I know, I know. It’s time to wean him off that $hit… but whatever… it works for us. Anyhow, he usually falls asleep within 10 minutes, and then Joe lays him in his crib. We’ve done this for months. FYI he sleeps through the night just fine… judgy mommies get up off me... everyone does their own thing. <<<tangent.

Anyhow… one night last week as Joe was taking William to his crib, I asked him to bring me some chocolate chips. FYI I’m obsessed with the little Nestle semi sweet chocolate chips. The kind you use in chocolate chip cookies. SO being the loving husband that he is, he brought me a little ramekin of them to eat while we watched our shows. One hour later,  after watching Modern Family and Blackish <<< FYI if you don’t watch it, you should, I stood up to brush my teeth and I could very strongly smell chocolate. I looked down and a chocolate chip had melted onto my chest and into my hair. IT WAS A DISASTER. Joe and I laughed for an eternity, and then I had to get in the shower.

What a mess… and so embarassing… but SO pregnancy typical.

Exciting Stories: Joe felt the baby kick for the first time last week – and he started to tear up. It’s so ecxiting to think that we’re going to love another human as much as we love William, and I think this was Joe’s first bonding experience with Baby #2. SO that was one of the best moments of the past two weeks, by far. It made this pregnancy feel very real, and it made both of us so excited!

I hope you have a good rest of your week – and any questions you have – please feel free to ask away! XooX

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 21 week pregnancy update

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 21 week pregnancy update


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