Pregnancy Update, Week 23: Nesting - Ashley & Emily
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Pregnancy Update, Week 23: Nesting

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Hellooo Everyone! As you may know from instastories – I have been nesting like crazy. Or maybe what I’ve been doing is the opposite of nesting – I’m not entirely sure.

All I know is that lately I’ve been of the mindset that EVERYTHING must go. This is totally new for me. I am, by nature, a packrat. I usually keep everything. I mean… I might need that facewash – after 5 years. Anyone out there like me?

But after 6 houses, countless moves in between, a dog, a wedding, and two babies… Joe and I had accumulated a $hiton of unnecessary stuff. And now with Baby Number 3 on the way – I decided that it was finally time to get our things in order.

I contacted a couple of home organizing services – and got a couple of vastly different quotes. One company out of San Francisco wanted to charge me $12,000 to organize our home. Now don’t get me wrong. We have a lot of things. But not THAT many things. I settled on a local woman who had stellar yelp reviews, and I can’t say enough good things about her. You can contact her here >>> Sarah with Put It In Order.

We have been going through our home, over  the course of a couple weeks, room by room, and we have been purging. The best part about Sarah is that she’s a sounding board for me, and she holds me accountable. No, I do not need 30 mini shampoos in case my whole family comes to stay with us. No, I do not need my neon floral formal dresses from college. No, I do not need 12 pairs of bellbottom jeans. These are decisions we make together – but I would have had a difficult time doing alone. If you are at all like me, and you’re pressed for time, but you have house organization projects that need work — I recommend these services 100%.

The other amazing part about Sarah is that she’ll take all your gently used items and either – a.) consign them – or b.) donate them to the charity of your choosing. For a small fee she’ll also keep track of all your charitable donations so you can deduct them from your taxes. She truly is – THE BEST.  Think about that – you’re cleaning your house, giving back to others, and saving money on your taxes ALL at the same time. What’s better than that?

Before we hired Sarah, my husband and I were contemplating needing a bigger house. We reasoned that we were busting at the seams, and with another baby on the way, we obviously needed more room. <<< Idiots. Now that we are almost through (de-nesting) our entire house, we can both clearly see that the house wasn’t the problem. We were the problem. And all of our unnecessary things were the problem.

So I don’t know if you call what I’m doing nesting or de-nesting, but whatever it is, it feels good. It feels so nice to enjoy the space of our home again and for everything to have it’s place.

If you need some help with spring cleaning, getting your house in order, or just getting your life back together, contact Sarah. Or contact someone like her. I promise — it is SO worth it! And… get ready for a big home tour coming soon!!! <<< So many of you have asked for one, and I finally feel like we are ready to share!

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