Fashion is my RELIGION - Ashley & Emily
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Fashion is my RELIGION


Fashion is my RELIGION

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Thank you so much to Zappos for sponsoring this post.

I’m aware I just made a very bold statement in the title of this post. “Fashion is my religion.” We always talk about the brands we love, and what we’re wearing, the latest sales, what to wear to a wedding etc. etc. But I thought today, I would tell you HOW we got here in the first place.

Shop Religion:

Transit Tee Dress (shorter one)

Maxi Dress (with slits)

I had such a good time taking you guys down memory lane for my Juicy post, I thought I would take the same approach here. When I was a little girl, all of my friends from school were playing on soccer teams, swinging from trees or playing with barbies. I was always the one reading a book, or Vogue. My amazing mother let me store my collection of Vogues in our basement — I’m talking hundreds of issues. This is not even a slight exaggeration. I have always been an introvert, and I don’t really like to get dirty. I owe my love of reading to the fact that I have never been stung by a bee or broken a bone :knocks on wood:.

I was always inside, playing dress up or with my nose buried in a book or a magazine. My love of fashion started early. Family vacation to me always meant new malls and new stores to explore. Bless my father’s heart for enabling me and my crazy passion. Before “The Secret” craze and everyone making vision boards, I was doing that in my room. I ripped out outfits I loved, bags I wanted, and my favorite red carpet dresses from the Oscars or from the society pages of whatever publication I was reading.

I have ALWAYS loved clothes. My dorm room wasn’t covered in Abercrombie posters like everyone else’s, but it was plastered with Tom Ford’s spread for W magazine and pictures of Paris Hilton with her Louis Vuitton Murakami bag— you all know the one!

All of this has obviously led us to the blog, and me being able to live out my life-long dream of working in this industry. That being said, it takes a lot to impress me. Sure, we share our everyday outfits with you, and best finds under $50 — things like that. But it’s very rare that I come across a brand that REALLY impresses me.  I touched on this during February fashion week — it wasn’t until London Fashion Week that I learned what the experience is really supposed to be like — and probably why I will never go back to NYFW. Funny enough, Religion is actually a London based brand, and the designers find inspiration in everything from London’s East end and music, to urban landscapes and a “no fear” approach to design.

When I put on these dresses it was that same kind of “Aha moment.” I discovered this new brand, Religion, through our work with Zappos. When I put on the first dress (the maxi) I was in LOVE. “This is going to be THE dress of the summer” I said to my reflection in the mirror. Surely, they all can’t be this good.

So I put on the shorter of the two dresses, with the palm print, and I felt the exact same way. I was obsessed. The second I put that one on, I knew I was wearing it to my girlfriend’s rehearsal dress in June. And you bet that the maxi dress is the first thing I’m packing for my trip to Italy next week.

All of Religion’s designs are meant to be worn day or night. The dresses are so well made, so flattering, and at a very affordable price point. These dresses are made for a woman’s body. I know that sounds crazy, but so many times there are clothes that are meant to look good on a hanger; and that’s the end of it. Not with these Religion dresses. “To wear Religion is to be addicted to the design detail, character, and flair.” They both made me feel beautiful and extremely confident. What else could you want in a dress?

So is it ironic that this brand is called Religion? No– I think it was just meant to be.

Be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. I normally wouldn’t leave in so many photos — but I wanted you to see every single angle of these dresses.

Look 1:


Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Look 2:

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares two looks from Religion via Zappos.

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