#rStheCon: The Reward Style Conference - Ashley & Emily
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#rStheCon: The Reward Style Conference

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon

In case you haven’t been on social media the past week, I just got back from #rStheCon, aka the Reward Style Conference. The conference is a gathering of the top 200 bloggers on the Reward Style platform in Dallas, Texas. It was an honor to be invited — as it has been a huge goal of ours for quite some time.

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Before I get to my story, let’s talk about this dress for a second. It is SO flattering, perfect for a summer wedding, it’s under $80 and also available in black. Need I say more?

In typical Ashley Zeal fashion, I got sick the day before #rStheCon. On the day of my flight, last Thursday, I was feeling okay and convinced it would pass. However, when I got there — it was a whole different story. I wasn’t being myself. I was super quiet. Not making friends with anyone — which is SO unlike me. My throat was hurting so bad & it was a struggle to swallow or speak. I made it through the first night, and the second day — but by day 3, I was done. I was so sick and in tears.

I missed breakfast on day 3, and finally tried to fake it and pull myself together for my first few meetings. I had a phone appointment with my doctor right after lunch, so I just needed to make it until then. Well — she basically told me that I was super contagious, and to stay in isolation for the rest of the conference. I had to miss my last two brand meetings, and of course, the big finale party.

I was so bummed for so many reasons. While I did get to see and meet a lot of girls that I have been following for forever — there were so many brands and bloggers that I wanted to say hi to and I just didn’t have the energy because talking just hurt so bad 🙁

So while on social media, it may have seemed like I had the time of my life at #rStheCon, that is actually not true at all.

There were still plenty of good things that happened, and I am so glad I went. But, I hated not feeling like my bubbly and outgoing self. I made the best of my situation and cherish all of the good moments I did have while I was there. I met an amazing new photographer, Lauren Bloom, who took these amazing pics! Made lots of new blogger friends, and discovered new brands I can’t wait to share with you guys.

I’m on doctor ordered bed rest for the rest of the week — which hopefully means a lot of blog content for you guys!

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada wears a floral dress at #rStheCon

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