Tea Time with Ash and Em - Ashley & Emily
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Tea Time with Ash and Em


Tea Time with Ash and Em

It’s that time of the week. All your most requested links, our bestsellers, and the burning questions you’ve been wanting to ask. There were so many good ones this week. You asked about why you may see bloggers post an item all at once, our favorite baby names, and what we’re most jealous of – of one another. Time to spill the tea.


What are you getting Caroline for Christmas? 

Em: She got a Barbie Jeep, and an Elsa Castle. She is OBSESSED with Elsa right now. Kids gift guide >>> HERE.

Is it a coincidence when a certain product is hyped by a lot of bloggers?

Yes and no. Sometimes it’s a paid collaboration by the brand set to go live a certain day. Maybe they’re running a promotion that they want to highlight, or maybe they’re launching a new product. In those circumstances, it is possible you’ll see numerous influencers talking about the same product. Then the other scenario is that we are all checking the same sites for sales everyday.   Brands will also sometimes email us about a sale a few days before it goes live, so we just add them to our calendar,.

How come you changed your name?

Whole post >>>> HERE.

What’s it like going from 1 to 2 kids?

Em: In my opinion, going from one to two kids was the hardest transition of all. When we just had one child – William – all our focus was on him and we still were able to focus on one another. Once we had two, it felt very disjointed. All of a sudden we weren’t all together all the time. I had David and Joe had William. It didn’t last long like that – but at first it was extremely hard. Looking back though – I’d do it a million times over because they have one another.

How to prepare financially for kids. It seems it’s such an unknown.

Ash: I didn’t really prepare much until he arrived. I set aside some money for the actual birth hospital bill – and now I opened a separate savings accoung that I will save a certain amount to every month. In terms of paying for all the other things like diapers and formula, my amazon orders are just now 90% baby stuff instead of little things for myself.

Em: In my head, I had a number and a budget that I wanted to have in savings before we had a baby. But – that is just how I am. I like numbers and I like financial security. I always say this – but SAVE. Enjoy your life… but SAVE.

Will you be sharing goals/new year resolutions?

Ash: Definitely have some good goal setting & lifestyle content coming up in January! We actually had a call about this on Friday.

Em: Joe and I goal set every New Years Eve together after the kids go to bed. I love it. It’s something we started a few years back, and it is such a special time for us. I will definitely share some of what we discuss.

Biggest pet peeve about your spouse?

Ash: HE. EATS. SO. LOUD. Not only the chewing but the rumpling of the bag or wrapper too. Getting riled up just typing this haha.

Em: It used to bug me that Joe would hum behind me when I was getting ready. I am just so used to it now, that I actually love it. If he wasn’t humming while I was getting ready, something would be wrong. Now… if I don’t squeegee the second I get out of the shower, he does it for me… and I guess that sort of bugs me.

How many kids do you each want?

Ash: I think 3 – but we’ll see!

Em: Pretty sure 4 is it for us. Joe says that he wants 5… but I think I’m done.

When did your kids start sleeping longer than 2-3 hours at a time?

Ash: I don’t even remember – it was pretty early though, I want to say around 6 weeks when our Dr. told us we didn’t have to wake him up to feed in the middle of the night.  We are extremely blessed that Baby Joe has always been a good sleeper. It got MUCH better when we moved him to his own room.

Em: All my kids have been different. William was about 3 months, David was very early on, Caroline was a sleeping nightmare – which is why we brought in our night nanny. All my kids were in our room until about 6 months and then moved them to their nurseries.

Any thoughts on baby names?

Em: We have our boy name picked out…. but our girl name is up in the air. We love traditional names. I love the name Blake for a girl, but we probably won’t use it.

Boys names: I love Edward, George, Phillip, Reid, Pierce, Bryant, Vance <<< my dad’s middle name

Girls names: Alice, Reese, Blake, Jordan, Taylor, Jacqueline, Olivia, <<< this one is way too popular right now for me. Emily was THE most popular name the year I was born, and I swore I will never do it to my child. When I was a 7… our soccer coach would yell “EMILY” and our whole team would turn around.

How has your size/body changed before/during/after pregnancy and multiple babies?

Em: My body changes A TON during pregnancy. The weight gain alone is just insanity. My boobs will never be the same. My melasma is raging. But it is all so worth it. I will say, every pregnancy, I have to work harder to lose the weight. And it always takes me almost a year to do it. But – I would do it a million times over. My kids are my life’s greatest blessing.

Praying for your health scare, was it a TIA?

Em: Thank you so much. I believe it was an atypical migraine. The doctor I saw in the ER firmly believed I didn’t have a stroke, and I’d like to believe him. I have a neurologist appointment this month, unfortunately there isn’t much I feel comfortable doing in the way of testing as I am pregnant. That being said, all my bloodwork looked great. I feel wonderful. I am hopeful it was a one time episode.

Breastfeeding insights/advice – pumps/plans? 

Ash: I exclusively pumped for six months, and looking back, I have no clue how I even did that. I joined a lot of EP Facebook groups that helped me out! I used a hospital grade pump mostly,  a Madela portable pump and also the Willow. Emily wrote an entire breastfeeding post >>> HERE and HERE.

Did you always want 4 kids?

Em: I always wanted a huge family. I have one sister and she is everything to me. But when I would see those big families – however dysfunctional – at school… there was something about them. The safety in numbers. The camaraderie. The fighting… but also the fun. I always assumed I would have two. Having my fourth right now – it’s an absolute dream.

How often do you run your dishwasher? 

Ash: Once a day.

Em: When the kids are home, sometimes twice a day. During the week – once a day.

Did you and your husband grow up in nevada? If not, where do you both grow up?

Ash: I grew up in Reno and my husband grew up in San Francisco,

Em: I grew up in Connecticut until I was 14, then I moved to Reno. Joe grew up between Vegas and Omaha – his parents lived in different cities.

Do you make over six figures individually being an influencer? 


Do you like pears?

Ash: How can you not?

Em: Love pears. Especially with sharp cheddar. I really miss cheese. <<< Sakara is vegan, so I don’t eat much cheese or dairy at all anymore. My skin has never been happier, but I LOVE cheese.

How did you find your Bible study group?

Em: I am in a bible study group with 4 of my closest friends. We all became friends 4 years ago, and over dinner we got on the topic of faith. We all share the same faith. We are all Christians. We all believe very strongly. From there, it all just fell together. I am endlessly thankful for them.

What is one thing about each other that you’re jealous of or wish you were more like?

Ash: There are so many of Em’s characteristics I wish I embodied. Her work ethic and ability to always see the positive are at the top for sure. She is the least lazy person I know in all aspects of her life – it is truly remarkable.  And I love how she can always find the good in a bad situation – especially lately, when I know it’s a really hard time for everyone. She keeps me feeling uplifted every day!

Em: Ashley is endlessly principled. If she puts her mind to something, it is happening. If we sign a contract and a brand tries to change things – you don’t want to mess with her. If we agree to something – there is no wavering on it. I wish I had more of that in me. She has a backbone unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

How to deal with being single at 25 when everyone is getting engaged and having kids?

Ash: 25? That is SO young! I think I have a different mentality from spending my twenties in a big city – because it is not like that there at all. In fact, most of my friends there still don’t have kids or husbands and we are all almost 35. Don’t compare your life or timeline to anyone else’s!  I couldn’t have handled a marriage or kid at that age and it will all work out the way it is supposed to!

Did either of you have to do any fertility treatments or testing before having kids?

Ash: No, but I used the Flo app to track my cycles & still do!

Em: I started having kids pretty young – 27, and thankfully I never had to. However, so many people I know have had to, and as with all things… I think knowledge is power. If you want to, see a doctor. I am also very much a proponent on multiple opinions. I think seeing multiple doctors before formulating a game plan is never a bad idea.

How do you avoid drama in the influencer/blogger sphere?

Ash: There’s not really drama? The only drama is really mean DMs from followers – and you can’t avoid that. Just block!

Em: We are pretty removed from all of that, thankfully.

Peloton bike vs treadmill?

Ash: This question always makes me laugh. If you like to spin, get the bike. If you like to walk and run, get the tread. I LOVVEEEEE my tread. Best purchase of 2020 by far.

What is the star you added to your cross?

Em: The cross was a gift from Joe. You can get the exact one >>> HERE. The star pendant I added to it is vintage Chanel. My Grandpa gave it to my mom when I was a baby. If you want a dupe for the cross >>> HERE.

Tips on keeping your heels nice?

Em: I take a leather wipe to my patent heels after I wear them. I also get the heel caps replaced before I need to – usually once a season if I wear a certain pair all the time. I also get plastic soles put on if they are a very nice pair.

Link Requests: 

  1. Favorite eye cream? This one >>> here is Em’s absolute favorite. Always has been. It is rich and luxurious. 5 stars and worth every penny. 
  2. Emily’s Bible? I LOVE this one >>> HERE. It is the one you see me use. I also think this one is gorgeous to gift! 
  3. How do you guys clean your diamond rings? Emily has this at home. It is such a game changer! And she uses these as well! 
  4. Any advice on a good mattress? We have this one in our guest bedroom and we love it. 
  5. Ski gear you love? I love this jacket and these pants. I also have this jacket – I really think with ski gear, quality is the way to go. 
  6. Good cold weather maternity coat? I think sizing up in a coat like this is your best best. 
  7. Faux diamond tennis bracelets? I LOVE this one and it is on sale!
  8. Men’s Joggers? These are Joe’s favorites.
  9. Nail Color? OPI Chocolate Mousse. Or OPI Lisbon Wants Moor.
  10. Long length robe? I LOVE this robe.
  11. Baby Joe’s play mat? We love that this one looks like a rug and not a mat!
  12. Non toxic bath toys? This set here is fantastic. And these >> HERE are cheap, fun, and educational!
  13. What is the face cleansing brush Emily loves? This thing is AMAZING!
  14. Faux indoor trees? We found our favorite on sale!
  15. Toddler slippers? Our kids love THESE.
  16. Best Leave in conditioner? This one is my favorite. This one also has RAVE reviews.
  17. Emily’s Licorice? OBSESSED!!!!
  18. Blow dryer? Emily’s holy grail is on sale!

Best Sellers:

Traeger Grill

Set of 4 Tumblers

Jimmy Choo Pump

Ugg Ultra Mini

BFD Poncho

In The Wild Throw

Easy Street Tunic

Dyson Fan

Drape Front Jacket

Balancing Gel Cleanser

Mima Stroller

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