The Best Way To Make Sure Your Love Never Ends - Ashley & Emily
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The Best Way To Make Sure Your Love Never Ends

On Monday, my husband and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary.

And like most couples, in the weeks leading up to our two year mark, we talked about the many different ways in which we could celebrate. We could plan a trip, we could go to dinner, we could get each other gifts. However throughout the course of our conversations, one thing became very clear:


We wanted to start an anniversary tradition.


A tradition that we would be able to count on every year. A tradition that would be a symbol of the life we are creating together. And even though most couples use their anniversaries as an excuse to enjoy a night out, sans kiddos, we wanted to start a tradition that we could one day share with our children.
Leading up to our wedding, we talked with our reverend about the many things we loved about each other. One of the things that topped the list, for both of us, was the fact that the other person pushed us to be better – in business, in our relationship, and in life. I think that’s how you know you’ve met the person you’re meant to spend forever with – they make you want to be the best version of yourself.
So to carry on with that theme, we decided that every year we’d spend our anniversary making one another better… and what better way to do that than giving back to those in need?  Maybe one year we save the money that we would have spent buying each other gifts, and donate that money to charity. Maybe one year we round up our little family and go on a service trip. Maybe one year we spend the day working at our local homeless shelter. Whatever the case may be, we’ll continue striving to be better people, and we’ll show love to those who need it most.


By doing so, we hope to show our children the power of love through actions and not only words. What’s more, we hope to teach them the importance of humility and grace and instill in them a spirit of charity and kindness.


By giving back on our anniversary each year, the love we have for one another will continue to live on long after we’re gone. 


This year, since Ashley and I are already in the throes of supporting FEED Supper, Joe and I decided that we’d host one of our own. For those of you who aren’t familiar, FEED Supper is centered on the fundamental belief that no person should have to go hungry. It is about gathering, giving, and joining together in the fight to end world hunger.
For our Supper, we invited twelve close friends to dinner and asked that they bring nothing, but if they felt compelled, they could donate to our fundraising page, here. We have truly amazing people in our lives, and everyone decided to give.
When Ashley and I first started this fundraiser, it was our goal to raise $2,500. We couldn’t imagine that we’d double that within the first two weeks. For that, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. At the time of our FEED Supper, we had raised enough money to give 45,682 meals to those in need.  I am happy to report that today – a mere five days later – we have raised enough money to give 50,863 meals. Thank you for helping us make such a huge impact on so many lives.
The FEED Supper fundraiser ends on October 16th, World Food Day, which means that we have two more weeks to raise awareness about the perils of world hunger, and to raise funds to fight it. That being said, we are asking you, our dear readers, to get involved in any way you feel compelled. You can donate to our page here, just $1.10 provides 10 meals to those in need, or you can host a FEED Supper of your own. Whatever you can do, we thank you in advance.
We are so excited to see how many lives we can change when we come together to make a difference.










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Old – but similar here, here and here << obsessed with this one – the color is perfect for fall!

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