The Pressure of Blogging - Ashley & Emily
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The Pressure of Blogging


The Pressure of Blogging

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry,

People always think that my job as a fashion blogger is both easy and glamorous. I am here to tell you that it’s neither. Don’t get me wrong, I love it with my heart and soul, but sometimes the pressure of blogging does get to me. I never got to write more about my experience at the Reward Style Conference back at the end of last month because I was SO sick that week after. I only got to do a mini breakdown about the conference. But today, I want to talk about all of the feelings I had leading up to my trip to Dallas.

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Keep in mind that the Reward Style conference was an invite only, top 200 blogger conference. That alone set the bar high. To me, planning outfits for this was WAY harder than fashion week. After emailing multiple brands to collaborate with — I started to figure out what else I needed. I knew the general theme of each day, and how many events we would have to attend. I also knew that the best-dressed girls in the world would also be attending all of these events. Fun fact: Emily and I both won the best-dressed award in our high school yearbook. But Dallas is not Reno, and it was not 2004 anymore.

I knew I needed 6 outfits or so — so I started ordering all these things that weren’t me. You guys know I hate wearing heels & dresses — yet that is what I ordered. It’s what I thought would help me fit in and look like I belonged there. But I got invited — I already did belong there. I don’t know why I let it all get to me so much but the stuff I was trying to wear was NOT me at all. Not one item out of a huge box of stuff that came from a PR company fit me — I wrote about that >>> here. So of course, I cried and had a full meltdown.

So after all of the tears and anxiety about the high pressure of the situation, I finally said f*ck it. And I wore my jean shorts, comfy tee, Gucci belt & bag, sheer trench coat and these amazing slides. And it was amazing. Did I look out of place? Kind of. Did I care? Not at all. When I’m not shooting or at an event, this outfit is pretty much what you’d find me in. Comfy but a little edgy.  I had wasted so many tears and so much anxiety stressing out about these outfits and fitting in. I should have just listened to my gut from the beginning — but I learned a valuable lesson. It seems so cliche now. But it is really hard to forget these things sometimes when you are so wrapped up in something. So remember: don’t let the pressure get to you & always be yourself.

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry,

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry,

Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry, Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry, Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry, Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry, Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry, Ashley from Two Peas in a Prada shares her experiences with the pressure of the blogging industry,

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