The Truth About My Body Fat Percentage - Ashley & Emily
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The Truth About My Body Fat Percentage

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it.

So this post has been a long time coming. But before I get into it; I need to make a disclaimer. I in no way shape or form am a fitness or diet expert. I don’t feel 100% comfortable giving advice to anyone about this because I don’t have the qualifications to do so. I am simply sharing my story and what has worked for me. These pictures were taken almost exactly six months apart, and the outfit is by the same exact brand. Keep reading to find out how a body fat scan and counting macros changed my life and my body.

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I have always and will always be in favor of body positivity. I do not believe that the number on the scale matters. I do not believe that BMI is worth a damn. But I do believe in being the healthiest version of yourself you can be. And that is where things got a little blurred for me. I have always been a curvier girl. I carry my weight in my mid-section and always have. I always had a larger chest, and once I got to college, I got really heavy around the stomach area.

My weight has always fluctuated between 145-175 (I can’t believe I’m actually writing that… ahhh) — my heaviest ever was 183.  I have always promoted loving your body and accepting yourself the way you are — as long as you’re healthy. So what I thought was “healthy” really wasn’t. If you’ve been reading for a long time you know that fitness is a huge part of my life. I work out anywhere from 5-10 times per week and pretty intensely too. I do Barry’s, Flywheel, lift weights, run, and the occasional yoga class. I also try to eat pretty well– you know I don’t eat dairy or drink alcohol (only once in a while), and I’ve never really had much of a sweet tooth.

It had been a few years since I got into this routine, and I simply wasn’t seeing results. I was working out consistently, eating pretty well, not binge drinking or eating fast food (I love Taco Bell from time to time; I’m only human). But my body was simply not changing.

I’m always preaching to love yourself and your body, but the truth is. I didn’t love mine. Looking back at some of my older posts, I couldn’t really believe what I looked like. But I kept telling myself “I’m healthy. Maybe I’m just meant to be this size.” Even though deep down, I knew that it’s not what I wanted to look like.

So back in November, I started collecting some data. I mentioned this all in this post if you want to go back for more details. But to sum it up: I did a full blood panel (mostly looking for a thyroid problem), 23 & Me (I’m adopted so I have no access to family medical history, The Everlywell food sensitivity test (read all about it here), and finally a body analysis from Body Spec. The food sensitivity test really jump-started my results and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who is struggling with their weight or experiencing any bloating or digestive issues. It was eye-opening.

The results from the body scan were concerning and a slap in the face for me and the lifestyle I was living. For someone as active as me, to have a body fat % of 43.3% is really scary. And that’s where the waters get kind of murky for me. Yes, I believe in body positivity, but first and foremost, I believe in the importance of good health. And what I thought was healthy, really wasn’t. To have that much fat around your organs is simply dangerous. And I want to live a long and happy life.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it.

So where was the disconnect? How can someone who goes to Barry’s 6 days a week and lifts heavy weights all the time have that high of a body fat number? I felt lost, disappointed, defeated and a little overwhelmed. So I found someone to help me. I hired Katelyn, to be my nutrition coach. She set me up with my macros and taught me how to properly use My Fitness Pal. The results were almost instant, and they aren’t slowing down. I had to weigh in every Sunday, and she would adjust my macros weekly based on that number.

It turns out, that I was simply not eating enough, and the timing of my meals was way off. In the morning I would have coffee and a banana or a smoothie. Something that seemed to be so healthy, was actually harming my progress. Then I would get completely distracted with work and forget to eat lunch. I’d have an RX bar or something like that on my way to workout, come home and eat dinner whenever Joe got home. My body was starving. My carb/protein ratio was WAY off.  I was holding onto every gram of fat I ate and basically wasting every single workout because I wasn’t giving my body and muscles the fuel it needed to get stronger and essentially burn more calories.

The first few weeks of counting macros were really really hard for me. It was hard to hit my numbers, as I wasn’t used to eating that much food. I would find myself forcing down chicken and peanut butter late at night in order to hit those macros. This Vital Proteins powder literally saves my life every day, because it dissolves in anything and you don’t need a blender bottle to mix it up!  Eventually, my metabolism caught up and I’m totally used to it now. Who knew the trick to lose weight was to eat more? I don’t want to share my exact macros with you because they change every week, and also because what’s right for me, may not be right for you. So I would say to find a coach who can help you with the exact calculations that you need. Katelyn does virtual coaching, so you can do it from anywhere! Send her a DM to get started!

I am already down two more pounds from my last scan and booked another one for the end of March. I don’t care at all about the number on the scale, but I am determined to get that body fat % down to a healthy number. My goal is between 28-30% I will continue to update you on my progress. And as always, thank you so much for the support.


Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares the truth about her body fat percentage. She shares her exact percentage and weight and how she fixed it.

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