Third Trimester Update - Ashley & Emily
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Third Trimester Update


Third Trimester Update

Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her third-trimester update. Read about her symptoms and cravings as her due date quickly approaches!

I cannot believe that we are just days away from our due date! It went by so fast yet so slow if that makes sense. I wanted to give a little third-trimester update. I know I haven’t been the best about writing pregnancy content so I am working on making up for it here in the last month! In case you missed my Pregnancy Products post, check it out HERE. And you can read my First Trimester Diary >> HERE. The second one was kind of rough – and so there’s not a lot of content there but I am still working on that post!

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Third Trimester Update

A lot of you know that I suffer from anxiety pretty bad. I was able to control it myself with Xanax, CBD / edibles and Barry’s Bootcamp back when I lived in San Francisco. Then we moved to Reno and everything changed. I think it was a mix of the hormones and literally having my life go from 100 to 0 — but my anxiety and depression came back a million times worse. There were some nights I would have to go outside in the freezing cold just to catch my breath from a panic attack, days I would cry so hard I would literally choke — it was wild. Luckily Emily and my Mom were like – girl – this isn’t normal, please call your doctor. And so they put me on a low dose anti-depressant to help with my symptoms and it has made the biggest difference in the world. Like I truly feel like a new person. Lesson learned: always advocate for yourself if you feel that something isn’t right.

My entire outlook on pregnancy changed, my attitude changed, and I’m sure my overall demeanor changed and I was more pleasant to be around. The dreaded third trimester has actually not been so bad for me! Sure, I am uncomfortable and waddle everywhere I go – but it could be much worse. I went from complaining non-stop to just accepting everything and that little shift has made such a difference in my mindset.


My cravings did come back with a vengeance this trimester — and so did my aversions. In the first trimester, I was only able to eat carbs – like I lived off grilled cheese, buttered noodles and toast. I couldn’t stomach eggs, and if I were to eat protein it had to be in between carbs. The second trimester I was able to eat normally and veggies didn’t make me want to puke – but now I am craving plain food again and I don’t love meat. I am also really into snack plates (cheese, salami and crackers) and all Mexican food. Going to try all the spicy foods here soon – does it really make labor start? Let me know!



My nausea is significantly better lately – thank goodness. I still get some here and there, but it doesn’t last as long and I can usually sleep through it. Speaking of sleep, I am so lucky to actually be sleeping okay. Sure, I pee all the time, but I can fall back asleep quickly and I try and take a nap every day to make up for any lost time the night before. I am counting down the days I can sleep on my tummy again!

Let’s discuss swollen feet. We all saw the Jessica Simpson photo – and it terrified the world. This was my biggest fear. Mine got pretty bad around the holidays, but I learned some tips and tricks to keep the swelling at bay: lots of water, no caffeine, no added salt, try to sit with your feet up or straight out, and these EXACT compression socks – I wear them 24/7.

Everything is uncomfortable, and I feel like baby has nowhere else to go – but I was expecting worse. My back hurts, my vagina hurts, but that is all par for the course. I am getting weekly massages, sometimes twice a week and that seems to be helping. I take a bath every night and have just tried to switch my mindset to think more positively about it instead of focusing on the pain and that has made everything bearable!

Only weird things are my stretch marks are getting kinda itchy and swollen, and I finally got lightning crotch — oh the joys! Oh, I also feel like I smell 24/7 but I guess that is normal.

Are We Ready?

Physically yes, I am so ready to meet Baby Joe and not be pregnant anymore! Is our house ready? Absolutely not. Our rocking chair and dresser were back-ordered. They sent the wrong color rug – I don’t have crib sheets. Just little things that I had planned on having ready – are not – but that’s okay. All that matters is that I have our bassinet and our car seat – and will update you from there! We are trying not to stress it and know that everything will come together! A furniture delivery is supposed to come today so fingers crossed!


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