Valentines For Your Pups - Ashley & Emily
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Valentines For Your Pups


Valentines For Your Pups

With Valentine’s Day less than two weeks away, you’re probably planning your next online Target shopping trip, right? They always have the best holiday decorations and gifts, no matter the holiday, so it’s always my go-to before anything else. While you’re adding all the Valentine’s-themed things to cart for yourself and the family, don’t forget to include the most important family member: the dog! 

Target always has the cutest pet toys and treats, and they’re upping the ante this Valentine’s Day with some extra special offerings from Milk-Bone. When I saw the Pup-Peroni and Milo’s Kitchen Dog Treats Valentine’s Set, I didn’t even think twice before adding it to my cart for Charlie boy! A heart shaped box full of treats just for him? I couldn’t resist. Then I saw Milk-Bone’s adorable pink and red dog treat canister and had to get that, too. Charlie puts up with so much between three kiddos and is about to have another small creature to get used to around here, so the least I can do is shower him with special Valentine’s treats!

When you’re adding Valentine’s everything to your cart (PJs, cards, candy, home decor!), be sure to get these sweet and easy treats for your fur baby to make their day!

Milk Bone Vday Canister: 

Valentine’s Day Set: 

Brushing Chews: 

Milk Bone Treats (Charlie loves these): 


Thank you so much to Target & Milkbone for sponsoring this post. All opinions are our own. 

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