We're Moving to Reno - Ashley & Emily
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We’re Moving to Reno


We’re Moving to Reno

We’re moving to Reno! This is the most bittersweet post I will probably ever write, but it is time for a new chapter. A lot of you guessed this when I announced I was pregnant, and so I figured we might as well let the cat out of the bag. There is no particular reason why I wanted to tell you except my own personal denial. I am actually crying as I sit here typing this.

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We’re Moving to Reno

The Bay Area has been home to me since 2004 and I have lived everywhere from Santa Clara to San Francisco and so many places in between. My entire life is here except for my family and my business partner, and at this stage of life, those are the two most important things to me.

I can’t imagine raising a child without my Mama nearby and we rented a house only 8 minutes from my parents. We already rented a house and we finally have a guest room so that Joe’s family can come as often as they want, and we will have a place for friends to stay when they visit! While I believe San Francisco is the best city in the world, it has really been letting me down lately. These are things I can’t control, and the main reason that I will be okay leaving. I don’t want to get into all the negatives about the city because it will always be my second home. Reno is safer, more affordable, and more the pace of life that I need right now. I am so excited to not have to stress about parking or traffic!

Emily and I have been working on so many big things behind the scenes, and this move will make all of those things possible. I am excited to be able to show you guys a house I’m not embarrassed of, let you get to know my parents better, and be able to work face to face with Em every single day. Joe is going to start working for the family business, so it will be such a big career shift for both of us.

I am going to miss my friends, Joe’s family, Barry’s, Hillstone and Shannon SO much. But you better believe I will be back for every single 49er game – because that’s what the Faithful do! As sad as we are to leave, we are so excited for what’s to come and to raise this baby in the place where I grew up.

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