What a year... Two Peas in a Prada is turning one!!! - Ashley & Emily
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What a year… Two Peas in a Prada is turning one!!!


We cannot believe it – but Two Peas in a Prada is celebrating it’s one year anniversary! A year ago, our blog went live (see the post here) and nearly 300 posts later, here we are.

This year has gone by so fast. The saying goes… “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life” and it couldn’t be more true. This blog has been such an incredible experience thus far, and we are blown away by all of the support from our readers, families and friends.

As with all great things, this blog started out with a seemingly crazy idea. We were on the phone one night and we were both watching a TV show about best friends who worked together. It was awesome… they did everything together and they had a blast doing it – no to mention, their business was wildly successful. We had always wanted to work together, but our professional fields were so different that we didn’t know how it would be possible. Thus Two Peas in a Prada was born. We were so excited to take on this project and to see where it could lead.

We had no idea what we were doing initially. Neither of us had ever designed a website, we had no idea of how to use even the most basic blogging platform, and we were scared…. to say the very least. We didn’t want to fail. All we knew was that we loved fashion, we loved writing, we loved each other… and that would have to be enough.

So we delved in.

It definitely wasn’t easy at first. For both of us there were moments where we felt unsure. Would people like our outfits? Would anyone care about what we had to say? Would it be worth all the time we were committing?

But thankfully we had each other… thankfully we had you… and thankfully all of our fears turned out to be unfounded.

This blog has been such a blessing to both of us, and we cannot thank you enough for reading along with our lives. We have had so much fun working together to create all of the content for this blog, and it is still so amazing to us that our crazy idea has manifested into this great project. Throughout this process we have learned so much about ourselves, so much about each other, and we have made so many memories that we will cherish forever.

There are fun and exciting things to come – collaborations, giveaways, outfits on outfits, and even a site re-design (yayyy!!!) — we cannot wait to share everything with you!

Your loving words, supportive thoughts, and sweet comments mean the world to us – please, please, please keep them coming.

Oh — and have a glass of chammie with us tonight… you deserve it! #treatyoself.

Cheers to another wonderful year! Thank you so much for reading, we love you to the moon!

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