Whole 30 Week 1 - Ashley & Emily
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Whole 30 Week 1


Whole 30 Week 1

whole 30 week 1, michi

Whole 30 week 1 is over! I am writing this on Day 8, I can’t believe how much easier this time around! Like anything, this is definitely trial & error.

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In case you missed my kick off post, check it out here.

I feel one million times better than I did around Christmas. It’s crazy how fast your body can reset after putting so much crap into it!

This time around, I don’t really have a lot of time to cook all the extravagant recipes like I did last year. I’ve been making big batches of chicken & veggies on Sundays and bringing that for lunch every day during the week. For dinner, we do Sunbasket — last week’s meals were so good. We do the paleo plan, which is very close to Whole 30. It makes life so much easier — and every meal only takes 30 minutes to cook! Get three meals for free by clicking here!

For snacks, I’ve been eating RX bars and Chomps sticks which are SO GOOD (I just ordered a huge box on Amazon). I’m also really into cashews, pineapple, dried figs and hard boiled eggs with either truffle salt or almond butter, sounds gross I know.

I drink a lot of beverages during Whole 30, because sometimes I can’t figure out if I’m hungry or thirsty. I love Clearly Kombucha, La Croix, sparkling apple cider, Spindrift seltzer, Tejava iced tea and any 100% juice.

Don’t forget to follow my Whole 30 board on Pinterest, so much good inspo there! Scroll to the bottom of this post to check out all the other bloggers I’ve partnered with for January Whole 30!

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I’m teaming up with several bloggers this month to do Whole 30. You can check out their websites and Whole 30 recipes, tips, and hacks and keep up with us by using hashtag #Whole30Jan this month on Instagram!!

My Life Well Loved

Life in the Green House 

Taz & Belly

Life Lutzurious

Lauren McBride

Sunflowers & Stilettos

XO Beverly


A Lo Profile

Living in Color

Makeup Life & Love

Cake for Breakfast



whole 30 week 1, how to survive whole 30, michi

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