Whole 30 Week 2 - Ashley & Emily
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Whole 30 Week 2


Whole 30 Week 2

Week two of Whole30 is complete! I honestly can’t believe it. It is going by SO fast! Above is my Whole Foods haul from this past week. I must say, I am spending a lot of time and money at the grocery store. I have narrowed down only the essentials to buy at Whole Foods and have been trying to get everything else at Safeway. Whole foods is the only place I have found compliant almond milk, chorizo, and bacon. Plus they have my favorite Kombucha. Epic bars are a great “emergency food” to have on hand- especially after a workout or to store in your car in case you get stuck in traffic or end up somewhere longer than you had planned. They are the official sponsor of January Whole30– check them out here.

Shop Whole30:

I have been noticing a lot of changes some small, some big. Let me explain… First and foremost, I am sleeping so much better. I’ve had over seven hours four out of five nights this week, which is absurd for me. Before, I was averaging 5-6. I fall asleep quickly and stay asleep. I use my Fitbit to track my sleep, it measures how many times you were restless and awake. Both of those numbers have gone down dramatically. This alone is worth doing the Whole30. At least for me. My moods have improved, my skin is clear, my energy levels are high, and my under-eye circles are slowly disappearing! YAY!


I have been drinking a TON of beverages. Tea, iced tea, sparkling water, LaCroix, “mocktails” (recipes here— obsessed!), kombucha etc. And this seems to keep me full and distracted from any “hunger” I might think that I feel. All of this has proved to me just how shitty soda and fake sugar, diet beverages make you feel. I will never go back to drinking those.
This is what they call the “tiger blood” phase on the Whole30 timeline. Boundless energy, change in body composition, and improved mood are all side effects of the “magic” of Whole30. I have already noticed all of those things in small doses and am excited to keep going with my journey! I have really been enjoying not eating out and experiencing the joys of cooking every meal at home, from scratch. I have been reading a ton, catching up on my TV shows, and doing a puzzle with Joe (grandma alert!). I hate having to say no to most plans, but to be honest, I am really enjoying this little hibernation month. Afer all, I am such a homebody at heart. I will fill you in more next week!
Day 8
Chorizo & Eggs
Leftover sweet potato and ground beef chili
Black olives
Turkey burger patty (seasoned with garlic salt & pepper) on mixed greens with olives and peppers – Tessemae’s Lemonette Dressing
Day 9
Whole Foods Pork Sausage & two eggs fried in Trader Joes Ghee
Post workout: Banana & Coconut water
More sausage & avo
Taco salad with homemade guac and carrot sticks
Day 10
Chorizo and eggs, pear
Chocolate coffee RX bar
Grilled peppers and jalapeno sausage


Pulled pork with homemade BBQ sauce, recipe here

Day 11
Chicken Apple Sausage  & Eggs
Leftover pulled pork & avo
Lemon chicken (recipe here), sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli. This chicken was amazing, so easy and so delicious. I am going to make a big batch next week to put on my salads for lunches

Day 12
Chorizo & Eggs (can you tell I really like this meal?)
Pumpkin spice RX bar
Salad with leftover lemon chicken, red pepper, hard boiled egg, tomato & Tessemae’s Lemonette
Post workout: Banana and almond butter
Curried beef stew, recipe here

Day 13
Jalapeno chicken sausage & eggs
Mixed berries with lime juice
Leftover beef stew
Chocolate chili, recipe here. Joe and his best friend loved this– we ate the entire pot! Favorite recipe so far.

Day 14
Chorizo & eggs
Leftover chili
Postworkout: hard boiled eggs
Shrimp curry, recipe here

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