Day 2: New York Fashion Week - Ashley & Emily
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Day 2: New York Fashion Week


Day 2: New York Fashion Week

Day 2: New York Fashion Week

Day 2 of New York Fashion Week was definitely our busiest! It was also the day I was most excited for. The weather turned out to put quite the damper on our plans, but we made the best of it and still had a really good time!

Shop My Day 2 Look:

Day 2 kicked off with the Twiirly x Amour Vert brunch, fully detailed in this post. From there, a huge group of us all headed to the Jill Stuart presentation. It was so gorgeous and packed with celebs! So that was a fun way to start the day.

Last season, we ended up not having enough time to fully enjoy the Shop Style Social house, so we decided to go early in the day so we could make the most of it! It was gorgeous as usual — see our Instagram post of the event here!

We decided to take a break and head to Midtown to have lunch! We wanted Shake Shack, but since that location is outside and it was ffrrreeezing, we tried our luck at ABC Kitchen — we couldn’t get in but it was such a gorgeous place that I am making a reservation there next time I’m back in town. At the recommendation of a friend, we wandered around the kitchen and ate at Craftbar. It was so great to just chill out for a bit and take a break from work The food was good and we loved the vibes!

After lunch, we had to go shoot this gorgeous bouquet that Bloomthat sent over, so we headed back to the hotel!

Our last shows of the night were later so it was nice to have that long break in between. First up was Georgine, which we loved. Stassi was there but we missed her 🙁 It was my goal to see her this trip — we overlapped a few shows but never ended up running into her. Lastly, was the Julianna Bass presentation which was amazing!

I actually wore this outfit with these Spanx leggings, but shot it with these Hudson jeans. These booties were seriously a life saver during the trip — especially with the weather. So many people always ask me about these sunglasses, and they are only $13! Best kept secret!

Day 2: New York Fashion Week twopeas-76 Day 2: New York Fashion Week Day 2: New York Fashion Week Day 2: New York Fashion Week Day 2: New York Fashion Week Day 2: New York Fashion Week Day 2: New York Fashion Week Day 2: New York Fashion Week Day 2: New York Fashion Week

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