First Trimester Amazon Favorites - Ashley & Emily
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First Trimester Amazon Favorites


First Trimester Amazon Favorites

San Francisco blogger Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her first trimester Amazon favorites. These are all the products that got her through the beginning of pregnancy.

My first trimester was truly a roller coaster of emotions and symptoms. Today I am sharing my first trimester Amazon favorites with you. These are all of the products I used to get me through the past 3 months. So many were recommended by other mamas, and lots were from Emily’s previous blog post. Keep reading because I am breaking it all down.

First Trimester Amazon Favorites:


Pregnancy Test


Before we even left Bali, I had ordered these. And thank god – the worst thing would have been to drive to the store and buy a test when you just want to know instantly! I researched which ones you could take the soonest because I was scheduled to go to Costa Rica and was super nervous about Zika.

Morning Sickness Drops

I feel very lucky with my morning sickness. Mine was more afternoon – and it was never actually getting sick, just feeling like I was about to. These drops were a lifesaver, and they would help me settle my stomach enough to eat dinner.


Morning Wellness Tea


This tea also helped me – it’s ginger mint which meant it was also super yummy! Caffeine was the hardest for me to cut out – I went from like four cups a day to one, so this was a good replacement!

Heartburn Tea


Heartburn was one of my very first symptoms. It was so brutal because the things I was craving would make it way worse: lemonade, spaghetti and Mexican food! This paired with Tums helped it calm way down!

Sneak Peek Gender Test


I swore this was not going to be accurate but it was 100% was. One of the girls on Em’s sister’s bach told me about this and I ordered it immediately. I took it five days early on accident – you’re not supposed to take until you’re 9 weeks. We mailed the results and got the answer within a week and then we had an ultrasound confirm it was correct!

Half-Caf Nespresso Pods


Talk about a God-send. The coffee was one of the hardest things for me, and then I researched and found these half-caf pods – even if you’re not pregnant but just a little sensitive to caffeine these are perfect! Now I can have my two cups and not worry about if it’s too much for baby.

Thayer’s Toner


I thought putting this in last month’s Amazon favorites was for sure going to give me away. My first week of pregnancy was horrible on my skin, and one of my mama friends recommended this safe toner to help clear up all your hormonal acne. It smells so good, and I love using this in the morning.

Mario Badescu Drying Cream

Another product for pregnancy acne. I have used the drying lotion for over 10 years, but that one isn’t pregnancy safe. The cream works just as well and helped my bad flare-ups.

Mother’s Special Blend Oil


This was the first stretch mark product that I bought. I’m only 16 weeks right now, but no stretch marks yet. I put this on at night, but will probably start using twice a day and mixing in some other products that I got too — I’ll keep you posted!


New Chapter PreNatals


These are the ones Emily recommended and are food-based, so they are super good for you! I supplement these with the prenatal vitamins – because they don’t have DHA.

Olly PreNatals


These are the first ones I ordered — same order as the pregnancy test – before I even knew I was pregnant. They are fine, but the more research I did, the more I wanted to get ones that were food-based. But if you are super nauseous and can’t stomach those, then these are totally fine.

Stomach Settle Drops


These are similar to the drops above but a little less candy-like. I always kept these in my purse! Also recommended to me from one of my mama friends.



No one told me about pregnancy insomnia. The first month was awful, and I mean awful. I coudn’t sleep no matter what. And there is nothing I could take to make it better. Unisom and Benadryl are pretty much the only pregnancy safe sleep aids out there. These definitely helped get me over the hump, and now I’m at the point where I can barely keep my eyes open.

What to Expect


I’ve been reading a TON of pregnancy books. This was obviously the first one I read. So much good basic info in it. There’s a reason it’s been so popular for all these years.


Expecting Better


I love love love this book. There is SO much conflicting information out there about all things pregnancy-related and the author does the best job of breaking it down. I am not super conservative in my pregnancy beliefs – meaning I am still drinking coffee and have sips of wine here and there, so I appreciate her honesty and tendency to not overreact. This book just tells the truth. Highly recommend!

The Mama Natural


This book is the opposite of the one above, but I like to read all sides. This one was a rec from my doula and has a ton of helpful tidbits in it. I do love that they broke it down week by week, because it’s not as overwhelming to follow!

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