Getting Healthy: Week 2 - Ashley & Emily
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Getting Healthy: Week 2

Body Positivity

Getting Healthy: Week 2

whole 30 week 2, fall detox, food freedom, melissa hartwig, diet, healthy, clean eating

It’s crazy how much one week of healthy eating can change you! After my post last week, I was faced with quite a challenge. Unlimited food and drinks at the 49er game. And I mean goooood food. I was so tempted but held strong — eating only salad, protein and getting coffee to drink. Even though we lost, I walked away from the game feeling victorious. This was a great way to start week two of my detox!

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One of my goals during this 30 days was to be comfortable working out in just my sports bra again — and this happened last week! The lighting at Barry’s definitely helps — but yay for a non-scale victory!

So many people have told me that they “could never do Whole 30” because they can’t drink black coffee. Well, guess what? That’s not a valid excuse anymore, this creamer by Nut Pods is officially approved! Yahoo! This is such a game changer for so many people, and I am extremely excited about this!

I had to work late every night last week to get my class ready for their big rally — so I survived the long hours on jerky and RX bars. If you’ve been following along with  my snaps (@ashleyzeal), then you know that I have been eating pineapple. A lot of it.

My kale soup from last week was only okay, this week I am trying out this crock pot buffalo chicken recipe and eating it for lunch every day next week. Our dinners this week were awesome — we had a delicious Italian sausage with a mustard and pear salad, meatball soup with butternut squash, and salmon — which I never eat, but actually liked. Lot’s of you have been asking me about Sunbasket — which I love! Feel free to email me with any questions — And don’t forget to use this link for your first meals for free!

Don’t forget to follow my Whole 30 board on Pinterest!


detox, clean eating, whole 30, recipes, crockpot, cleanse, healthy, diet, weight loss tips

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