Half Marathon Training Weeks 2, 3 - Ashley & Emily
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Half Marathon Training Weeks 2, 3

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her half marathon training weeks 2, 3 update. Read more about her failures and why she keeps making excuses.

I’m not gonna lie — I suck at half marathon training. As some of you may know, last week I traveled to LA. Which totally threw off my training schedule. We had plans to work out on Wednesday when we landed, but of course, our flight was cancelled. And then delayed, and we were set back over three hours. Find out more about my failures below and if you missed week one, check it out here.

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 I was kind of embarrassed to publish this because I am not proud of where I’m at right now. But I feel like part of my job is to be open and honest with you guys, which includes my failures.

Half Marathon Training

Week 2:

Monday: Barry’s Arms & Abs

Tuesday: Barry’s Butt & Leg (double floor

Wednesday: Traveling — ugh

Thursday: Barry’s Hard Core Abs

Friday: Cycle House LA

Saturday: Rest day — flew home and then went straight to the 49er game pretty much

Sunday: I had all intentions of running 4 miles, but I walked to a track near my house and it was closed. I had a friend coming over to help me clear out my beauty closet, so I didn’t really have time to make a new plan, so I walked around my neighborhood for 45 minutes and listened to a podcast.

Week 3:

Monday: Soul Cycle with Kelly Leveque. When I saw she was coming to San Francisco, I totally fangirled out and cancelled my whole day to attend her event. She signed my copy of Body Love and it was so amazing to meet her in person. I am going to do a whole post about how her Fab 4 smoothie has changed my life. Keep an eye out for that towards the end of next month!

Tuesday: Barry’s Butt & Legs Double Floor

Wednesday: Barry’s Chest Back and Abs — this was the only day I remembered to track my miles in class: 2.10 exactly. Not great, but those intervals are great for training!

Thursday: Again, I had every intention of running my four miles this day, but I had a work meeting get pushed up and totally failed at getting a workout in. I now see that I am purposefully avoiding these long runs outside. I am the worst.

Friday: Barry’s Full Body

Saturday: Barry’s Full Body Double Floor

Sunday: I finally got my outside run in. But, I was having a crazy allergy attack from watching the fight at a party with four dogs. I woke up with my eyes swollen shut and struggling to breathe. I only ended up getting in 2.5 miles, but after the day I had, that seemed like a miracle.

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her half marathon training weeks 2, 3 update. Read more about her failures and why she keeps making excuses. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her half marathon training weeks 2, 3 update. Read more about her failures and why she keeps making excuses. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares her half marathon training weeks 2, 3 update. Read more about her failures and why she keeps making excuses.


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