I love College - Ashley & Emily
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I love College


I love College

I don’t know if all of you know this, but Emily & I went to college together at Santa Clara University. We were so inseparable in high school, that we went away together when that was over because we couldn’t stand to be apart. I don’t know why we don’t talk about it more here on the blog because we have some pretty hilarious memories together. We both had Paris Hilton plastered all over our dorm room walls, stormed around campus in our Juicy Suits, and spent many nights sharing a twin bed because, like I said, we hated to separate.

Some of my fondest memories with her during this time are not actually going out– but getting ready to go out. We would try on a million different outfits– our clothes were pretty much all together at this point. Neither of us really know what actually belonged to the other but we didn’t care. We always got ready in my room– blasting Lil Wayne or Young Jeezy and we made the entire hallway smell like a mixture of my Prada perfume and her signature at the time, Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue.

While some of my memories from college are vague (hey, I liked to have a good time)– these ones with her stand out. One thing I do remember is that I hated all things off the shoulder or tube-top style shirts because they created what we so fondly referred to as a “brarm”– you know that little roll of skin in between your boob and your arm. We had rules back then- no showing the brarm, no wearing brown belts with black shoes, and never ever leave the house without bronzer. Benefit Hoola to be exact.

I think it’s safe to say that our style has come a long way since then- and I am now fully embracing the off the shoulder trend.  This dress was an absolute necessity for my trip to Hawaii last week. I love the nautical blue and white. The rope tie waist was such a cute accent- and helps the dress to be super flattering. It was so comfortable, I wore it twice on my trip. And it just screams, “Vacation!” Shop my look below!

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