Janie and Jack x Two Peas in a Prada - Ashley & Emily
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Janie and Jack x Two Peas in a Prada

On William: Janie and Jack (c/o) 

Ever since William was born, I feel like I’ve constantly been saying, “This is my favorite age.”

First it was when he was three days old, when all he could do was snuggle. Then it was when he started cooing. Joe and I would sit and laugh for hours at his funny little noises . Then it was when he started crawling. Every new item he’d encounter was THE coolest thing he’d ever seen, and he’s get SO excited at how fast he could go. Then it was when he started walking. He looked like a little drunken sailor everywhere he went… and it was a-freaking-dorable. And now…. now that he’s 16 months old, I am convinced, that THISTHIS is definitely my favorite age.

He’s finally talking in strings of words. He can ask for what he wants. He recognizes people and places. He knows exactly what I’m saying – whether or not he chooses to ignore me is a totally different story. 🙂 And the little habits that will eventually form his personality are starting to take shape.

Everything is fun with him right now. Picking him up from school is quite literally the highlight of my day. When I peek my head around the corner of his classroom, he throws his arms up in the air and runs towards me – arms still outstretched – yelling “Momma, Momma, Momma!!!” It is without a doubt THE best thing in the whole. wide. world.

Lately he’s been picking up on everything so fast, and I know I have to enjoy every moment – because he’s turning more and more into a little boy every. single. day. That being said, every night, Joe and I make it a point to spend as much quality time together, as a family, as possible. Whether we’re all running through the sprinkler in the backyard, or all laying together reading book after book in bed… every moment we spend together as a family is special.

The other night, we went on a family walk before dinner – and as you can see in these photos, William was having the time of his life. He is dressed head to toe in Janie and Jack… which is one of our favorite children’s clothing stores because they have beautifully made, classic pieces, that truly stand the test of time. Their clothes make even the most normal, usual, and everyday moments, seem that much more special.

This particular outfit was an instant hit with William because he loves anything that looks like “just like Dada’s”. It was so funny but it never occurred to me that William had never worn a belt before… until he pointed it out to us. It’s funny how observant kids are. Anyhow, he was infatuated with the little ribbon belt on his shorts. He kept pointing to it, and then pointing back to Joe’s belt to make sure we knew that his belt was “just like Dada’s.” It was the cutest thing ever.

Hope you have a wonderful end to your week, Loves! Be sure to savor every second – sometimes the smallest, most insignificant moments are the best! XooX






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