Never Alone: How I Stay Safe - Ashley & Emily
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Never Alone: How I Stay Safe


Never Alone: How I Stay Safe

never alone, how i stay safe, safe trek app


Today’s post covers a not so glamorous, but definitely important topic, and that is keeping yourself safe. You always hear those horror stories about women being robbed, kidnapped, assaulted… Words I never thought I would write on the blog. Sometimes you don’t have enough time to dig in your purse and get out your pepper spray, or in my case, hot pink taser. Well, read more to find out the solution.

Let me introduce you to SafeTrek, a life saving app. Literally. The message behind their brand is that you’re never alone. You’re never alone when you’re walking the dog. You’re never alone when you’re home alone and hear a noise outside your window. You’re never alone when you’re trying to find your car in the parking garage. You’re never alone waiting for the bus.

I am always out in San Francisco at night, my car is often parked in dark garages, or I have to walk far to get to my parking spot. I take Bart (San Francisco’s version of the subway), I wait outside for Ubers, you get the drift. I live my life, but I am always extra cautious in these situations. Normally, I call my mom and make her talk to me. Until I’m safe in my car and the doors are locked, but she would probably appreciate me not calling her so late and worrying her. I am the kind of girl that gets scared in the shower when I’m home alone, or watching Pretty Little Liars in the dark. So for me, this has been such a relief!

So how does it work? Whenever you feel like you’re in an unsafe situation, you simply open the app and hold down the button. If you let go and don’t enter your pin for any reason, help will be dispatched to your exact location. I love this for many reasons. A lot of times you won’t have time to actually get someone on the phone, and explain the situation — that might even make it more dangerous. Who knows if you’ll have time to find that pepper spray at the bottom of your purse. This is nondescript, fast and convenient. If you know me, you know my phone is ALWAYS in my hand. Whenever I’m feeling a little nervous, I just open the app. If you accidentally hit the button, no need to worry — you can cancel it by entering your pin.

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never alone, how i stay safe, safe trek app

never alone, how i stay safe, safe trek app never alone, how i stay safe, safe trek app
never alone, how i stay safe, safe trek app

This post is in partnership with SafeTrek, but all opinions are my own.

Click to see the only app you need to stay safe! never alone, how i stay safe, safe trek app

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