The Pregnancy Symptom I Wasn't Expecting - Ashley & Emily
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The Pregnancy Symptom I Wasn’t Expecting


Thank you to Mirum for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

Now that I am at the light at the end of the tunnel, aka a MOM (I still can’t believe it), I am reflecting on my pregnancy and the roller coaster that it was. You guys were there with me through it all, and I am so grateful for that! A lot of you were right – that I would forget it all as soon as I met my baby – and that is so true for the most part! Almost immediately after delivery, all of my pregnancy pains went away, a few new ones popped up (hello PUPPP rash – ugh), but the one I want to talk to you about today is dandruff. This pesky symptom seemed to stick around, but I am sharing the new product that is helping me combat it post-pregnancy: RE-fresh Scalp Care available at and Online Grocery pickup (it’s a dandruff & dry scalp treatment system that uses 2% salicylic acid (in the shampoo and conditioner) to combat those annoying symptoms)!

If you follow us on stories, you remember the day it popped up – I freaked out. Not only was I pretty uncomfortable in my clothes and body, but now I had to worry about my hair, too. I thought that pregnancy hair was supposed to be shiny and long – not flaky and itchy! I feel like every possible weird symptom that I could get – I had. But the dandruff was the one pregnancy symptom I wasn’t planning on or had heard of before.

I constantly found myself embarrassed to talk on stories or editing out the flakes in my photos before I would post on Instagram. Definitely not ideal for a blogger – or anyone for that matter. Not only was it unsightly, but it was uncomfortable too. It was dry and itchy – and scratching only made it look worse. It was also hard because I had oily hair – and dry scalp – such a weird combo. I had to be careful with what products I used because some made it drier, greasier, etc.

Right when I shared this with you all on stories, so many of you reached out and told me that you experienced the same thing – but we were all in the same boat – where nothing really helped it go away! After giving birth, I was so excited to try this new product, RE-fresh that I got from Walmart. I am a sucker for a minty, tingly shampoo and this was right up my alley (it’s cooling too, which is an amazing bonus for those hormonal hot flashes). I have tried to be more mindful of what I am using on my skin and hair, so I loved to see that RE-fresh is made without any silicones, dyes or parabens. And is formulated with natural ingredients (2% salicylic acid)!

If you are experiencing dandruff, or dry, itchy scalp, definitely give RE-fresh a try – I know you will love it as much as I do!

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