The Best Baby Products of 2017 - Ashley & Emily
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The Best Baby Products of 2017

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada plays with her infant son under a BoandRoo natural wooden baby gym and talks about the best new baby products of 2017.

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When I had David, it hadn’t even been two years since I had William. One would think that not much had changed, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. In just two short years, there were already a slew of new baby products on the market. Sifting through them all definitely took some time.

Although I used what I had, there were a couple of new products that were just too good to pass up.That being said, I’m sharing with you my 5 favorite new baby products – the 2017 edition.

1.) BoandRoo Baby Gyms:

One of the things I hate most about baby toys is how cheaply made most of them look. And let’s be honest – how cheaply made most of them are. The old baby gym we had for William was made of hideous crunchy fabric, and to be quite honest, it always gave me a headache to look at it. Enter BoandRoo baby gyms and toys. This amazing mom&pop shop features wooden baby toys and gyms that are sustainable, beautiful, and what’s more… your babies will love them!  David is absolutely obsessed with his! You can see the smile on his face in all of these photos. I just put a little sheepskin rug underneath and he is such a happy camper. It is so nice to be able to have something to occupy his time while I take a shower, or get some work done, and I love that this baby gym is totally a showstopper. Everyone that walks in our house comments on how amazing and beautiful it is. What’s more – they are super affordable. Just $50 for the gym – and you can hang whatever toys on it you like! I couldn’t believe that this baby gym was actually LESS than the ugly plastic one we had before. All in all – a win for everyone!

2.) The Dockatot:

If you haven’t heard of the Dockatot, you’ve been living under a rock. This “cosleeper” / baby lounger is without a doubt the saving grace of my life right now. David is absolutely obsessed with his, and he has slept in it almost every night since we brought him home from the hospital. It comes with a pretty hefty price tag, but it’s totally worth every cent in my opinion. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, we also love this one, here.

3.) Little Nomad Play Mats:

We just ordered these play mats, and I am so excited to have these as an addition in our home. I love that they are beautiful, functional, and easy to clean. <<< In our home – that is a must. They have been featured just about everywhere… so if you don’t now… now ya know.

4.) Nested Bean Sleep Sacks:

These sleep sacks are amazing. They have a light weight on the chest that mimics a parent’s touch. It helps to soothe your little one and to keep them sleeping longer. We loved our old Halo ones too – but these are amazing as well.

5.) Electric Nail Files:

I am SUPER paranoid when it comes to clipping both our kids’ fingernails. Thankfully this electric nail file has taken all the worry away! These files have probably been around for years, but I didn’t have one with William. Let me tell you… they’re totally a game changer.

6.) Mother Love Diaper Rash Cream:

OK – this is not a new product, but I just had to write about it. It is THAT good. It may be a little bit pricey, but it is worth it’s weight in gold. This is the only diaper rash balm that works on both my boys, as they both have super sensitive skin, and I think it should be in every mom’s diaper bag.

Shop My Favorite Baby Products -2017:

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada plays with her infant son under a BoandRoo natural wooden baby gym and talks about the best new baby products of 2017.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada plays with her infant son under a BoandRoo natural wooden baby gym and talks about the best new baby products of 2017.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada plays with her infant son under a BoandRoo natural wooden baby gym and talks about the best new baby products of 2017.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada plays with her infant son under a BoandRoo natural wooden baby gym and talks about the best new baby products of 2017.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada plays with her infant son under a BoandRoo natural wooden baby gym and talks about the best new baby products of 2017.

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada plays with her infant son under a BoandRoo natural wooden baby gym and talks about the best new baby products of 2017.

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