The Elder Hound - Ashley & Emily
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The Elder Hound


The Elder Hound

When it comes to fashion, I love anything that is timeless and classic with a bit of a modern twist. I guess the same can be said for cocktails because the Elder Hound is just that – a modern update on the classic Greyhound… you just add St Germain-elderflower liqueur.

I stumbled upon this amazing cocktail at a mountaintop bar on a trip to Jackson Hole with our friends Jeff and Kristin this past winter. After we all fell in love with it that day, I couldn’t wait to recreate it at home and once I did I just knew I had to share it with all of you.

Now that William is here, and that summer is just around the corner, the Elder Hound is going to be my drink of choice. My husband and I even joke that we’re making it our “house cocktail.” Meaning — when people come over, they know they can count on us serving this all summer long. Greyhounds can be a bit sour for many people’s likings, so the elderflower liqueur adds a bit of sweetness and an unexpected punch.

Now the trick with this cocktail, as with all great cocktails, is great ingredients. Luckily with this one, there aren’t many. I suggest using a very good vodka, and grapefruits that are fresh as can be.

Also, if you haven’t invested in a good citrus presser, I suggest you do it now. My husband and I received this one for our wedding from our friends Ivy and Matt, and we use it all the time. It really takes cocktail hour to the next level!

Enjoy loves!

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Silver Tray: Pottery Barn, Checked Glassware: Ralph Lauren (old) similar here

The Elder Hound:
1oz. vodka
1 oz. St Germain- elderflower liqueur
2 oz. freshly pressed grapefruit juice – we prefer ruby red grapefruits
Mint (for garnish)

Pour all liquid ingredients over ice – garnish with a fresh mint sprig. Enjoy!

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