We Love FEED - Ashley & Emily
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We Love FEED


We Love FEED

This past weekend, Joe, William and I went down to Los Angeles to visit with our family and friends. It was one of the most wonderful weekends ever.

However…  I have a pretty classic first time mom story for you. Cringe. 

On the way down to LA, our flight was empty, so we were able to take William’s car seat on the plane with us. All the other times we’ve traveled with him, he’s had to sit on our laps, so we were both excited to have a “hands free” hour. I pulled out the September Issue, Joe got to play backgammon, and it.was.heaven.


We heard our little guy go to the bathroom… in his car seat. Of course being the Type A mother that I am, I wanted to change him immediately, while Joe wanted to be courteous to our fellow travelers, and to let our sleeping baby sleep.

Ultimately Joe won.

But I’ll have you know, it was only because he was sitting in the middle seat, and I couldn’t get to William – who was sitting in the window seat. Reluctantly, I went back to the September Issue… all the while knowing what was ahead of us.

As we deplaned – I knew we were rolling the dice. In my rush of leaving for the airport after work, I had only packed one extra diaper in my carry on, and no extra clothes. Rookie mistake. And, to make matters worse, I had packed my FEED diaper bag in our checked luggage. Never again!

Warning – not for the faint of heart– as we pulled him out of the car seat, we could see the yellow sludge all over his pants, all over the car seat, and now, all over Joe. As we waited for our luggage, I vowed I would never again check the diaper bag – and I would always carry two changes of clothes, no matter how short the flight. Gahhhh!

So… for the rest of the weekend, no matter where we were going – even the front yard (as you see in the photos below) – I brought my FEED diaper bag with me. And thank goodness I did, because we  had multiple “situations” over the course of the weekend. 🙂

Let me tell you about this diaper bag. It is a new mommy must have. It was given to me by my dear friend, and the wonder momma herself, Kristin. It is roomy, functional, and it doesn’t show dirt, spit up, or anything else for that matter. It comes with a wonderful changing mat, and it has these amazing pockets on the outside for bottles, keys, and sunnies. It truly is a new mom’s dream. Not to mention, when you purchase one, the proceeds provide micro-nutrients for one mother and one child for a whole year. How amazing is that?

Which brings me to my next order of business… If you’ve been reading with us from the beginning, you know that Ashley and I LOVE FEED. See here and here.

As a recap…

“FEED was founded in 2007 by Lauren Bush Lauren. She was a student ambassador with The World Food Program in 2005 and her experiences in Africa with the WFP are what inspired her to originally create the FEED 1 Bag. Each bag sold would provide enough money to feed a child in school for one year. Today the FEED brand is so much bigger than just the FEED 1 Bag. They have tees, bracelets, accessories, totes, and more. Most of their products are made using natural fabrics, and some also support local artisans.”

That being said, we are supporting FEED SUPPER again this year. It is a month long campaign to help end world hunger. Every dollar you donate to our fundraising page – here – helps to feed a child in need of food – in America and around the world. Whether you donate $5 or $500 – we thank you in advance – for supporting us, for supporting FEED, and for helping to end world hunger.

Did you know that hunger kills more people every year than Malaria, Tuberculosis and AIDS combined?

So, from now-October 16th, we’ll be asking that you share our fundraiser with your family and friends. The more people we get involved, the better. You can also share it on social media, donate directly, or even join our team and start fundraising on your own! Better yet, do all three!

As our gift to you, we’ll be hosting FEED giveaways on the blog… especially for our readers who are getting involved and helping to support the cause.  <<< More details to come!

Thank you for your support… and please send this page to any friends you think might be interested in making a difference! Be sure to let them know that the donation process is fast, easy and secure – really, it takes less than 5 minutes.

We are so excited to see how much good we can do when we come together to support this incredible cause. Nothing feels better than making a difference. 


Get involved here: http://give.thefeedfoundation.org/twopeasinaprada

Shop This Post:

Sunnies: Karen Walker
Dress; Topshop
Shoes: Zara – love these as well
Diaper Bag: FEED

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