Interview with a Flywheel Lead Instructor - Ashley & Emily
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Interview with a Flywheel Lead Instructor

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth.

Those of you who have been around for a while probably recognize the face of my friend, Jess Forseth. She is the Bay Area Lead Instructor at Flywheel – which I have also talked about before. I thought it might be cool to interview her so you guys can learn more about what it’s like to have a full-time career in fitness. And be sure to try Flywheel for yourself — it’s addicting. Use code “FLYTWOPEAS” for your first class free!  Keep reading to find out why on earth I would be friends with someone who has never had a burrito. Crazy, right?

I often joke that you are the bionic woman, what does your average day look like?

 HA! I am not bionic!! But a typical day for me starts with a 5:00 AM alarm and ends with me getting home at 8 or 9 PM. I teach or take 2-3 classes at Flywheel, do some form of strength training – either Barry’s Bootcamp or personal training – and sprinkle in work and playlisting in between. I manage our whole Bay Area instructor team so have 25 instructors and 3 studios to keep up with! 

What do you eat to fuel your body to sustain all those workouts? 

I feel like I am constantly eating. Every morning before anything else I make a big breakfast – egg whites, spinach, tomatoes, and either chicken sausage or avocado. Then I try to eat small meals or snacks every couple of hours to stay energized throughout the day. I mix in protein shakes (Aprés is my fav), oatmeal with almond butter, fruit, and Rx or Quest bars for snacks and stick to chicken and veggies for meals.   Mixt or Sweetgreen and the Maple Chicken Sausage breakfast sandwich from Peet’s are clutch when I’m in a bind…. And obviously lots of coffee! 

You recently made the jump from corporate life to full-time fitness, any regrets?

None. Honestly the best decision I have ever made. I’ve been full time with Flywheel for about a year now and haven’t looked back. It’s surprisingly crazier than corporate Manager life, but so much more fulfilling! 

What is the best part of your job?

The people and the community! I am constantly surrounded by people trying to accomplish goals or push the people around them to work harder and it’s so inspiring and rewarding. Plus I get to meet some pretty amazing people every single day! 

How does it feel to be named SF’s top fitness instructor?

Oh my gosh. I am still in shock. I don’t teach for recognition I teach because I love it and I was once the first timer and the beginner and it’s amazing to be a part of people’s fitness journeys. Reading the sweet comments people wrote about me and my class honestly brought me to tears – I felt like you!!! Always crying. Seriously so appreciative and thankful. It’s an amazing reminder of why I love this career!

What is the most annoying thing about me? 

I just said it. You cry all the time! Haha! Or when you stalk my tweets from 2012. Or ask if we can visit a Kelp garden. Still not sure what exactly that is.

How do you pick your music? 

It’s a surprisingly long process! I’m constantly hunting down remixes and mashups and whatever I can find. When I program a class I first decide how I want to flow it – hills, flats, etc. based on the beats of the music to make sure there’s variety and then add the music from there. I always pick music I love or guilty pleasures because one of my biggest things for my class is that I need to be having fun with my riders!! Tends to be a lot of hip hop and trap remixes or throwbacks. Riders usually bust me for singing or rapping in class! Oops.

Favorite cheat meal?

It’s so hard to pick one! Probably any Mexican food – complete with chips and guacamole! Or a good ol’ burger and fries.

Biggest challenge of being a full-time fitness instructor?

The schedule. Our peak classes are before/after normal work hours, weekends, and holidays. So that makes for many late nights and early mornings, never enough sleep, and forgetting what a holiday is! And the obvious: it’s physically pretty exhausting. But always worth it.

Tell us something no one knows about you.

I’ve never had a burrito. Though you’ve told so many people that now that it’s probably not a secret? I’ve been hit by a car 5 times. Or I do a mean horse impression. 

** The drinks we are holding are our favorite post-workout fuel. Aprés is a plant based protein that was founded in San Francisco and is perfect for the girl on the go!

Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth. Ashley Zeal from Two Peas in a Prada shares an interview with Bay Area Lead Flywheel Instructor, Jessica Forseth.

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