Most Used Baby Products: One Month Update - Ashley & Emily
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Most Used Baby Products: One Month Update

Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal, from Two Peas in a Prada shares her most used baby products. Her and baby Joe have been home a month now - find out everything they've been using.

It’s been one month since this little nugget was born and I wanted to update you guys on the products we’ve been using the most. The goal is for this list to be super helpful for a first time mom because I had no clue what I would need or use! Here are all the items we were thankful we had the first month at home with a newborn. I also got some requests for items we didn’t use so I will list those out at the end!



I subscribed to this before Joe was even born. I did a lot of research on this brand and was SO impressed. As a former teacher, I am very focused and interested in his development and cognitive skills. I know absolutely nothing about a baby’s brain development so I knew I was going to have to rely on someone else to teach me. Their boxes break down exactly what your child’s brain is doing week by week and how to foster that development. They send toys every 12 weeks for the exact stage your child is in. Their toys are such high quality and so pretty, too! We also have and love the play gym. I can’t say enough good things about this company!



This was a gift from my manager and friend – and man, it is so good. I can’t explain how nice it is to be able to just wipe it down when the little man decides to pee on me, haha. It fits perfectly on my changing table, and it’s water-resistant & so easy to clean.




We don’t know where we’d be without this! He loved to take (supervised) naps in here! We even have one for him at my mom’s house! It’s worth every single penny.

Baby Brezza


No joke, I run this thing 4 times a day minimum. It sanitizes and dries your bottles – I put my pump parts in too! Pro tip: be sure to rinse out the bottles really well before, or the protein from your milk will accumulate at the bottom. This is a lifesaver. I put all my appliances away, so it is the only thing on my counter.




I am going to do a FULL review on this in the next few weeks, so I will keep this one brief by saying it was worth every single penny. Our little guy is going for a 6+ hour stretch every night now – makes the biggest difference in my sanity and ability to function the next day!


Boppy Lounger


Baby Joe lived in this thing the first few weeks of his life! I put it on the couch right next to me, on the bathroom floor while I showered, on the bed while I worked – you name it, it’s been there and he loved it. Because of his length, he has almost outgrown it already, but can’t imagine the first month without it.


Barefoot Dreams Blanket



Like mother, like son – baby boy has five of these- but it’s nice to have extra so you’re never looking for it. I keep one in his car seat, one in our room, one in the dockatot, one at nanas and one is hanging over his crib.

Nuna Leaf Swing


We bought this on Black Friday in the same order as our car seat, Snoo, and pack & play. All of our gear is Nuna (minus his bassinet) and we are obsessed. This is not an automatic swing, but it calms him down and he really likes it. It worked so well for us in the first few weeks where he just wouldn’t sleep at night – we would use it to calm him before sneaking him back into his bed.


Mam Bottles


I had no idea which bottles he would like, so I bought a few different brands until I learned he liked Mam the best!


Bottle Warmer


When we first got home from the hospital we were trying to warm bottles under hot water and it just wasn’t working. We love this one because it works on a ton of different brands.


Wubba Nubba


Where would I be without this? He is obsessed with it!


Aden & Anais Gown


This is our favorite outfit to put him in at night. Diaper changes are so easy – you just untie the knot. Plus, it’s sooo soft and cuddly and makes them look extra cute.


Wipe Warmer


Like the bottle warmer, you don’t actually NEED this, but I wanted baby to be super comfy always. He hates being cold, and I think this helps minimize the screaming during diaper changes.


Gas Drops


These were a gift from Emily at my shower! They are so handy when your baby is fussy and you have no idea why! Sometimes when he won’t burp I will give him these after.


Burt’s Bees Onesie


My friend Lisa sent baby Joe one of these – and I have bought probably ten more. They are just so easy, soft, and come in the cutest prints.


Burt’s Bees Burp Cloths


A piece of advice someone gave me while I was pregnant is that I can never have too many burp cloths and they were right!  These have become my favorite for their size and softness.


Stroller Organizer


Want to know what’s better than an early morning walk with your baby? One with coffee. I also keep my keys, chapstick and phone in here.


Freshly Picked Bag


I wanted a diaper bag that Joe could also easily use. I love that this can be worn as a backpack, too! It doesn’t look like a purse at all, and so I know he would be okay with using it. It fits everything you need plus more, and keeps your hands free!


Magnetic Me Onesie


I promise you,  these are worth every single cent. I bought way too many clothes with snaps that were adorable, but not practical at all. When you’re so tired you can barely see straight, and you’re changing a diaper at 3 am, you will be so grateful for these. The patterns are freaking adorable, and opening and closing them takes literally 5 seconds.

Boppy Cover


I wanted something to go over my Boppy lounger just in case something happened! I never knew how much laundry I would be doing – I also think this makes it softer!




One of my biggest anxieties about having a baby was about logistics. How would I open doors with a stroller, what if I couldn’t get it open, how do I put the car seat on it etc. This is so easy to use and amazing it took all of those fears away. I will be doing a much more comprehensive post on all the baby gear – but this stroller is amazing!


Car Seat


I am truly obsessed with our car seat – it is so light and easy to use. It also works seamlessly with our stroller – we didn’t have to buy any extra conversion kits or anything!


Kiinde Milk Storage Bags Starter Kit


I love these storage bags! You can pump straight into them if you want – but for now, I am tracking how much I pump, so I use the bottles for a more accurate reading.

Solly Baby Wrap 


I chose this baby carrier because it looked the softest. For being home, I wanted something that was soft and cuddly and not stiff with a bunch of snaps and buckles on it. We both love it! After they told us his hip was maybe dislocated I became a freak about researching hip-healthy products and this is on the list! It’s also super easy to tie on, which was important to me.


Frida Baby Products 


These might be what we used the most – the snot sucker & the skin brush are incredible! Their mom products are amazing too – I wore the gown in the hospital!



Emily gave me hers and thank goodness, Baby Joe loves it! I love that there are multiple motions and also white noise built-in. The other day he was crying non-stop, but then I put him in here and he napped for hours!


What We Didn’t Use:


Everyone told me not to buy a ton of clothes but of course, I didn’t listen. It only took one diaper change for us to realize that snaps just aren’t going to work – lesson learned. The onesies I linked above are much more practical. I spent a ton of money on post-partum products that I couldn’t use because I had a c-section. The hospital has everything you need, so I recommend not placing your Amazon order until after you have the baby – your order will be there by the time you get home and you will be able to take some supplies home! We haven’t spent more than five minutes in the nursery, so whatever you do, do not stress getting that done – it won’t matter for months, I promise. I also bought so many toys that he won’t be able to use for months. I know these will get used, but it was unnecessary to buy them so early.


Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal, from Two Peas in a Prada shares her most used baby products. Her and baby Joe have been home a month now - find out everything they've been using. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal, from Two Peas in a Prada shares her most used baby products. Her and baby Joe have been home a month now - find out everything they've been using. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal, from Two Peas in a Prada shares her most used baby products. Her and baby Joe have been home a month now - find out everything they've been using. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal, from Two Peas in a Prada shares her most used baby products. Her and baby Joe have been home a month now - find out everything they've been using. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal, from Two Peas in a Prada shares her most used baby products. Her and baby Joe have been home a month now - find out everything they've been using.

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