My Anxiety Story: How I Cope - Ashley & Emily
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My Anxiety Story: How I Cope


My Anxiety Story: How I Cope

This post has been a long time coming. I have suffered from anxiety for the past twelve years. I was first diagnosed after a terrible breakup – and it sort of never went away. This post will be a lot of the personal things I experience with my anxiety as well as what helps me when I’m suffering. I think that the term anxiety is thrown around so much that people sometimes forget it’s an actual disorder that can be debilitating at times. That being said, after the year we’ve had, I’m sure plenty of people can relate to these feelings. I am so grateful for discovering Equilibria and getting back into a positive and healthy headspace!


** I wanted to mention that this is just my experience, not medical advice and as always, please reach out to your doctor if you have any concerns!

My Anxiety Story

For me, my anxiety manifests in two ways: more commonly, everyday stressors that push me over the edge – things that aren’t a huge deal to most people really cripple me. This can be anything from a form I filled out incorrectly, to a deadline that is looming, or me wide awake at night thinking about how I offended someone five years ago. The less common but more serious way I feel anxiety is anxiety attacks – I have these much less frequently now,  but they still happen, and they are the worst things in the world.

The last one I remember was when I was pregnant, and a brand hated a photo I posted for them and I just lost my shit. I was outside crying in the snow, struggling to breathe but nothing was helping. I was hesitant to go on any meds because I hated the way they made me feel, but I knew it was best for the baby and myself if I did – and it saved me. My doctor put me on low dose Lexapro and I was a brand new human within weeks.

Fast forward to the present day, I am in a much better headspace – and I owe a ton of that to Equilibria. You have heard us talk about it a ton, and I just wanted to touch on my experience with it and how it has changed my life for the better. CBD, in addition to consistent exercise, has been the best remedy for my anxiety. I am off my meds, and really only have bad days when I forget to take my soft gels in the morning.

Emily has posted extensively about the brand. – check those out here and here. I want to add on to what she said and just reiterate that taking this consistently makes it the most effective, for me. Stress and anxiety are very much intertwined for me and kind of hard to differentiate because my job is my real life and there really is no separation between the two – which can be incredibly hard (but also so rewarding).  There were many times this year when I really didn’t know if I could continue on with this job given everything that was going on, plus having a new baby at home. Once I stopped pumping and got back on my daily CBD, everything changed.

My CBD Routine:

I take the Equilibria soft gels every single morning (I have found that the extra strength works best for me) and the daily drops as needed and always at night before bed. I feel very balanced throughout the day. It makes me more patient, calmer, and overall less stressed out. I can’t even begin to explain what this has done for my sleep!  I went from staying awake all night browsing Twitter and thinking of the worst-case scenario for every situation to sleeping soundly and restfully.  With every purchase, you get access to a dosage specialist who will talk through your needs and lifestyle to help come up with the best plan for you – this is THE BEST feature ever.

I highly recommend subscribing to the brilliance box (available in both regular and mint) – you can cancel anytime and with our code, it saves you $52!!! You get the daily drops, soft gels and relief cream. I use the cream every single day! It helps with my lower back pain from carrying my big boy around all day, cramps, neck tension from typing,  and my plantar fasciitis that hasn’t gone away since I gave birth.  You can also do the balance box if you want it without the relief cream (but honestly don’t know anyone who couldn’t benefit from it!). You can also add to your subscription with their seasonal or bath products!

Cranberry Elderflower Drops

Spiced Bergamot Drops

Bath Bombs

Mineral Soak

Roller Duo

You always get 15% off with our code – ASHANDEM- and any of these products would make for the BEST holiday gifts!

Your CBD Questions Answered:

The Equilibria team was kind enough to answer all your questions – check them out below.

Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope. Reno blogger, Ashley Zeal Hurd, from The Ashley and Emily Blog shares "My Anxiety Story" and how she uses Equilibria CBD to cope.

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