Pregnancy Update: Week 26 - Ashley & Emily
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Pregnancy Update: Week 26


Pregnancy Update: Week 26

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 26-week pregnancy update

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Hi loves! I hope you’re having a great start to your week so far! We have so many exciting things coming up over the next few weeks, and we cannot wait to share everything with you. First and foremost, Ashley and I will be hosting a wine and appetizer night, this coming Friday, with Rebecca Minkoff in San Francisco. If you live in the Bay Area, we’d love to see you there! All the details are on our Instagram and Facebook!

Next, I have a sonogram and a doctor appointment next weeks – so I’ll be sure to keep you updated about the baby and my placenta. And lastly, the holidays are fast approaching, so be sure to look out for our newsletters (coming soon) and all our holiday gift guides!

Now without further adieu… let’s talk abut 26 weeks.

Pregnancy Update: 26 Weeks

How many weeks: 26 weeks

Our baby is the size of: A hothouse cucumber <<< whatever the heck that is!?!?!

Gender: It’s a boy!!! If you missed our gender reveal… head here.

Names: We’re thinking about David (after my grandfather) or James (also a family name). Or maybe the two together — David James Wieczorek. I like the sound of that.

Pounds Gained: 21 – my weight gain has slowed, but my belly is getting SO much bigger. I don’t know how or why this is happening, but I’ll take it. I see my doctor next week, so maybe she’ll have some insight. I’d like to think it’s the 3 Pure Barre classes I’ve taken – but that might be wishful thinking. 🙂 I am feeling much stronger though!

What I’m Wearing: I’m still loving dresses with OTK boots and a long cardigan sweater (as you see in the photos in this post). It’s an easy look, pregnant or not, and I find myself gravitating to it SO much lately.

It’s so funny – I was talking to some friends at a girl’s night recently and my friend Emily said – “I don’t know how you stayed SO tiny with William – and then had this huge baby.”

Well here’s a little secret… I don’t stay tiny during my pregnancies. Not even a little bit. I gain the full amount of weight you’re supposed to – and then some. I just dress so that you can’t see the weight gain so much. The outfit in this post is a prime example. I’m not necessarily “hiding” anything, but the long, flowing, lightweight, cardigan gives the illusion of a longer, leaner shape. The OTK boots do the same thing. I’ve said it before, but you’ll never see me just wearing a skintight maternity dress that shows every bump and lump. Nah – I’d rather leave those things to the imagination. 🙂 I think layers are key during pregnancy, and the fall and winter are such easy months to incorporate layers into your wardrobe.


During the week,  I wear my pregnancy jeans with an over-sized tee and some kind of longline cardigan or jacket over the top. For shoes, I have these Kristin Cavallari mules, my Vans, and these black suede booties on repeat.

Sickness: The only thing ailing me right now is this HORRIBLE heartburn. Any ideas for more natural remedies?!? I posted this on snapchat, and have since bought papaya enzymes and ginger tea, and I am staying away from tomato sauce. Everything seems to be helping!

Things I forgot: I forgot how bad the heartburn is, and how hard it gets to breathe. I was in Pure Barre last week having the hardest time breathing – I guess I just forgot how squished your insides get as the baby gets bigger. I also forgot how hot you are. I am usually freezing cold, but I’ve been SO hot lately!

Cravings: Lately I’ve been eating a lot of tums. :/ But I have really been craving sweets – chocolate, cookies, and sweetened coffee being the main offenders – this could be the reason for all the heartburn lately. Yikes. Oh and bagels – why are bagels just so damn good?!?

Aversions: Nothing – except I had a bad tri tip sandwich the other day, and it made me want to be a vegan… forever.

Favorite products: 

      • I’m still loving that same belly oil. (It’s linked below)
      • Batiste dry shampoo – I am a freak about showering daily – but there is NO way I can do my hair every day. This dry shampoo is the best I’ve found and at around $8 a can – it is a steal as well. I can’t get enough – and you can Prime it. SCORE!
      • Ingrid & Isabel maternity leggings… I’ve been wearing them non-stop to my Pure Barre classes and I am obsessed!!!
      • My crock pot – if you follow me on snapchat… you know what I mean.
      • I just bought the cookbook below – for my crockpot – I’m in love.
      • Slippers – they come out with these (in the widget below) every year – and I always buy a couple pairs for around the house. Lately, I’ve been living in them. They’re so reasonable too!


Sleeping: Sleeping has been going well – except for when my heartburn is in full swing – then I have to sleep sitting up. That has been brutal.

Rings: Still on – as I said last week, I have been cleaning them in the little device you see below. The oil that I apply after my shower has been making my rings really dirty, so I use this little device for 3 min to help keep them clean. I’m obsessed.


Feelings: I’ve been such a hermit lately. I don’t know if it’s the weather, the change of seasons, or just the fact that I know life is about to change – a lot. But for whatever reason, I’ve been loving just hanging out at home. Also – I have been really “Momma Bear-ish” lately. It’s as if my maternal instinct really kicked into gear recently, and for some reason, my urge to protect is strong right now. I can’t really explain it any better than that… but over coffee my girlfriend, Rachel, said she experienced this same thing during her last pregnancy. Any other mommas feel this same way?

Embarrassing Stories: 

1.) I don’t know if this is embarrassing, or just a very accurate insight pregnancy. I am usually the girl who is freezing cold at work – as in – I usually keep a heating pad under my desk. For whatever reason, when I’m pregnant, I run really hot. Anyhow – I was having hot flashes at work – so I had to start using a USB fan that plugs into my computer. Pretty mortifying – but true story.

2. None of the guys at my office feel like they need to order fries with their lunches anymore, because they know I’ll be ordering them and they can always steal a few. :/

3.) We’ve been trying to prepare William for his little brother’s arrival. So the other night when the baby was super active, we had William feel my stomach. He felt the baby kick, his eyes got huge, and with a big smile on his face – he pulled my sweater back down over my belly and said, “Bye Bye Baby!” I think we have some work to do with him. :/

4.) I might be different than most with this one – but oh well. I HATE the way my belly button looks when it pops out when I’m pregnant. I literally spent months of my last pregnancy trying to push my belly button back in. <<<  This is true – it didn’t work – but such is life. Anyhow, last week I tried on a tighter shirt, and there it was — a completely popped out belly button. Gahhhh – gross. So –  a little trick I learned in my last pregnancy was to wear petals – the ones that women use as “bras” – over my belly button and it kind of just smooths everything out. <<< Such a great hack if you feel the same way I do about pregnancy belly button. BUT you should have seen the look my husband gave me when he saw me putting the “petal” on. <<< Whatever…. you do what you gotta do!

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 26-week pregnancy update

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 26-week pregnancy update

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 26-week pregnancy update

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 26-week pregnancy update

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 26-week pregnancy update

Emily Farren Wieczorek of Two Peas in a Prada, 26-week pregnancy update

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