Tea Time with Ash & Em - Ashley & Emily
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Tea Time with Ash & Em


Tea Time with Ash & Em


If you weren’t blogging, what would you want as your profession?

Ash: I was a high school teacher for four years, but I’m not sure that’s still what I would be doing if I weren’t blogging. Definitely some social media consulting probably.

Em: I’d probably be at my old job. I was a corporate bond trader for a proprietary trading firm for many years. I loved it, but the stress and hours definitely took a toll. Hmm… what would I want as my job? I’d probably want to work with my husband in real estate.

Do you both do big meals for Christmas similar to a thanksgiving meal?

Ash: We do bacon chili grilled cheese on Christmas Eve and usually a big breakfast on Christmas morning. We normally go out on Christmas night – so not sure what we’ll do this year.

Em: Joe and I have been doing our own Christmas for most of our relationship, and we keep it pretty consistent every year. Cioppino on Christmas Eve for the Feast Of The Seven Fishes, my family breakfast casserole, and then Prime Rib or braised short ribs for Christmas Dinner. This year – full transparency – I’m not cooking. But, I am having the catering company we use all the time make the meals I would have made. I’m just too pregnant, and I want to just enjoy my kids.

How do you reach the upper hanging in your closet?

Ash: My mother in law bought me this – or a stepstool.

Em: I use this stepladder. It is beautiful and has amazing reviews. We love it.

How do you decide what to share publicly and what is private for your family?

Em: If my family wouldn’t be comfortable with me sharing, I don’t share. I don’t share where my kids go to school, I don’t share all of our home. Anything that could potentially endanger my family – doesn’t get shared. In this day and age, we have to be extremely careful. I don’t share much of my friends and their families because they didn’t sign up for this and it can be extremely invasive if you’re not used to it.

Have you struggled with the decision to avoid getting political?

Ash: yes and no. Yes because it’s such a big part of my offline life, but no because I don’t think politics belongs in the workplace.

Em: I went into this in major detail a couple weeks ago. You can read my answer >>>> HERE. For me, it hasn’t been a hard decision. There’s no place for it here.

Best place to go walking or running in Reno?

Em: We both just walk around our neighborhoods! I LOVE the Galena trail!

Ash: We have a few listed in this post!

What is the best present for a first time mom? A present for her and not the baby.

Ash: Em made a whole New Mom Gift Guide and actually ended up bringing me a lot of the items right when I had baby Joe. Any of those items plus a batch of her Chicken Parm Soup so she has one less meal to worry about! I still remember how grateful I was to see that soup in my fridge when I got home from the hospital!

Em: A heating pad, a BFD blanket, a lovely tea, a luxe robe. THESE breakfast burritos!

How do you battle through trust issues in a relationship?

Ash: Gonna hit you with some tough love here because I have been there a thousand times. You either trust them and completely get over whatever it is that happened or you realize that you can’t trust them and move on. I’m not saying this is something that happens overnight but you have to just decide and then it happens slowly after that.

Em: I am not someone who gets over trust issues easily. Like at all. In friendships or in relationships. That being said… I think you have to pray to have a forgiving heart. It doesn’t come easily to me.

Do you have any famous followers and do you DM with them?

Ash: I think our most famous is Teddi! She is the sweetest.

Em: Teddi for sure – I love her. And I will 100% be doing her postpartum program.

What is Ashley’s favorite underwear for working out?

Ash: No underwear. LOL. I only wear underwear when pregnant or on my period,

What is a perfect holiday vacation for you?

Ash: At this point, I would go anywhere, LOL. But really renting a nice big cabin with my family in the snow!  Maybe next year.

Em: I really feel like spending New Years somewhere warm is just the best! One of these years when I’m not pregnant, and Covid is gone, Joe and I are spending New Years in the Caribbean.

Budgeting/finance tips for the New Year!

Ash: We are planning more content on this for the New Year, but in the meantime check out:

Em: I wrote those ^^^^ last January in the hopes of getting everyone off on the right foot! Good refreshers for this year too!

Do you believe influencers all really have perfect marriages? It’s never shared and it’s real.

Ash: I don’t think anyone has the perfect marriage! I also don’t think anyone shares all of the little or big fights with their husbands no matter what their job is.

Em: I think there are some things that are sacred within your marriage and if people don’t want to share, they shouldn’t have to. If Joe shared our arguments publicly, I know I would feel incredibly betrayed – and vice versa.

How are the covid restrictions in Nevada right now?

Ash: About to get much worse,  I think, as our Governor is speaking again tonight.

Em: Yes, I heard that we are about to lock down more – but who knows. Currently, elementary and middle schools are in person with a distance learning alternative. Salons and most businesses are open – with restrictions. Bars and restaurants have it the worst – having to operate at 25% capacity.

Any recommendations on how to get cosmetic stuff done w/o much money?

Ash: Save until you can afford it! This kind of thing is worth going to someone reputable and good at their job rather than trying to find a deal! Call around to the best med spas  in your area to see if they have any specials coming up!

Em: I think the best thing you can spend money on is Botox. I have been getting it since I was 22. Next up – Undereye filler. Hands down the best bang for your buck if you feel like you look tired or sunken in under your eyes. Never skimp on your injector. I can’t stress it enough. Go to the best person you possibly can.

How much weight did you both gain during pregnancy?

Ash: I didn’t look at the scale except at the first appointment – if I had to guess, 50 maybe?

Em: 35 with William, 40 with David, 50 with Caroline. Probably 40 with this baby.

What kind of cars do you both drive?

Ash: 2013 Lexus RX 350, but looking for something bigger next year.

Em: We have a Lincoln Navigator and a Porsche Cayenne. I primarily drive the Porsche.

How do you deal with past friendships that are no longer part of your life?

Ash: That depends, do you want them back in your life? If so, reach out and ask to talk. If not, just move on. Not every friendship is meant to last forever, but try not to hold a grudge! I always find that kind of weighs me down.  I try to be grateful for the good memories, and always wish them well.

Em: I have plenty of friends that I love dearly, but maybe we have drifted apart because of time and distance. If that is the case, usually when we catch up, it seems as if no time has passed at all. However… it seems that this question pertains to people that you choose not to have in your life anymore. I have a handful of those. IMO – when someone shows you who they are… believe them. Pray for them, and love them from afar.

Favorite trip abroad?

Ash: Amalfi Coast or Bali 100%.  I’ve been really missing London lately, though.

Em: 100% the Amalfi coast. Joe and I are itching to get to Japan when all of this settles… and really, I just want to go to Cabo again (it’s one of our favorite easy trips).

What was the outcome of Emily’s house showing a while back?

Em: The couple that looked at our house decided they wanted to live in a different area in Reno!

Advice on not crying daily during postpartum 2020 

Ash: Lexapro and CBD! Or else I’d be right there with you, mama! I cry a lot though. It’s been a hard year.

Em: I think daily exercise when cleared for it is important. It always puts me in a better headspace. Sunlight is huge for me. And then, of course, CBD.

Is a Cartier love bracelet really worth it?

Em: I think so – 100%. My love bracelet – from Joe – is one of my most prized possessions and I love that it is something I will have forever. It is classic.

How do you tell each other when something bugs you about the other?

Ash: We have been friends for sooooo long that I don’t even think this is a thing for us. We don’t really get annoyed with each other.  We are more like sisters I would say, and have just accepted each other wholeheartedly.

Link Requests: 

  • At Home Microderm?

This one >>> HERE is amazing.

  • Emily’s dining room chairs?

They are old from Paynes Grey Home. HERE and HERE.

  • Pillows from Emily’s sofa?

Unfortunately they are sold out >>> you can see HERE. But I have found some similar ones here, here and here.

  • Tanning drops for the face?

These are our favorites. And they are on sale.

  • Pregnancy Pillow – the big one?

I sleep on it every single night. I also use it to sit up in bed with!

  • Cross Necklace?

Joe gave this to me last Christmas, and I hardly ever take it off!

  • Heated massager from Amazon? 

This has been a bestseller for many years. We are both obsessed.

  • Kids undies – 3T?

Our kids wear these. They’re affordable and from what they tell us, comfortable.

  • Favorite lounge romper?

These are by far the best. We discovered them during quarantine, and we are still obsessed.

  • Fave socks to wear with hiking boots?

I just ordered 3 more packs of these. They are so comfy and cute with everything from hiking boots to combat boots.

  • Maternity bras?

We both are obsessed with these bras >>> here. They are the best of the best.

  • A&F sherpa dupe?

I love this one SO much. And it is on sale right now!

  • Sale for Dyson?

This is my favorite Dyson – and it is on sale!

Best Sellers: 


Flawless Finish:

Becca Undereye:

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Mima Xari:

Dyson Fan:

Baies Candle:

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